Well, I've had bangs for about two weeks, but I've been too busy fantasizing about throwing myself in front of oncoming traffic in order to avoid writing any more papers to blog about my bangs. But anyway. I am totally into them. And for the first time in my life, I've had bangs for longer than two days without totally regretting the decision.
These are terrible pictures of me being an idiot on Photobooth after drinking some bourbon, but you get the idea.
Also, I thought that bangs were supposed to be cut kind of at small snips at a diagonal angle so that it looked more natural and less blunt. But looking at this picture, it appears as though a kindergartener with a pair of special scissors cut my bangs. But no. It was me. I'm an adult. What the hell.
It's a little better when I sweep it slightly to the side. But seriously. Did I go to Edward Scissorhands for my bangs? Also, when I wet my bangs and trimmed them, they were really even from left to right. But when they dried and I tried to spread them out my forehead, the hair on the left side was significantly longer than the hair on the right side. What's up with that. Is my skull uneven?
The moral of this story is that nothing exciting happened since August, since this is the evening after the final day of classes after my first semester as a Ph.D. student and I am blogging about my bangs.
Apparently I'm not done talking about my bangs yet.
Do the bangs emphasize my Asian-ness? My Asianity? I feel as though they might.
Speaking of: A couple of weeks ago, I was in the library making copies of some manuscripts along with another grad student in my Medieval and Renaissance Notation class and he was like, "Did I hear you say to somebody something about being Asian? Because all semester I thought you were hispanic." And I was like, "Say whaaat?" No really, I was actually all, "Well, it's funny that you ask that..." And then he was all, "...Unless you're Filipino, in which case you're kind of both." And then I was like, "Ding!"
Anyway, I thought that was funny. Is it the tan skin, I wonder? Or the name?
This was all a lead up to say that, this afternoon, our musicology division used our weekly colloquium meeting to just have a potluck end-of-semester party, to which I brought my world-famous (in California and Texas) guacamole. Of course, I made the pico ahead of time, but brought some avocados to prepare there on campus in order to avoid having the guacamole turn brown and gross in transit. Anyway, the guys saw me start preparing the avocados before their very eyes and they flipped out. (Seriously though, fresh guac is the only way to go.) Then one of my fellow Ph.D.-ers was like, "It's like in Benihana when they make your food right there!" And then I looked him dead in the face and said, "Hey. Don't be racist." Haha.