The good thing about standing in front of your bathroom mirror and wielding a pair of tweezers in one hand after taking a dose of Dayquil and then having a glass of wine with dinner is that plucking out all the gray hairs in your bangs is much less painful. The bad thing is that you accidentally pluck out like ten perfectly good black hairs for every one gray hair. Oops.
In related news: Holy (pl)uck, this Ph.D. program is creating A LOT of gray hairs!!! Waaaaaaah!!! It could also have something to do with me trying to soothe Schmooblebottoms as we ride through a storm of buying plane tickets for my older brother's wedding next month in the number one top rated beach in all of Asia and number two rated beach in the entire WORLD while beginning the process of house-hunting. Do you know how much it costs to fly internationally from anywhere near Lexington? The answer is 50% to 100% more than it costs to fly out of SFO or LAX. That's what. Blergh.
Anyway. I am also PMS-ing. This means that I am currently suffering from self-loathing after I have finished eating everything in sight despite the fact that I concurrently have a cold and can taste very little.
Well, I'm just a bundle of sunshine this evening, aren't I?
In related news: Holy (pl)uck, this Ph.D. program is creating A LOT of gray hairs!!! Waaaaaaah!!! It could also have something to do with me trying to soothe Schmooblebottoms as we ride through a storm of buying plane tickets for my older brother's wedding next month in the number one top rated beach in all of Asia and number two rated beach in the entire WORLD while beginning the process of house-hunting. Do you know how much it costs to fly internationally from anywhere near Lexington? The answer is 50% to 100% more than it costs to fly out of SFO or LAX. That's what. Blergh.
Anyway. I am also PMS-ing. This means that I am currently suffering from self-loathing after I have finished eating everything in sight despite the fact that I concurrently have a cold and can taste very little.
Well, I'm just a bundle of sunshine this evening, aren't I?