
A stream of consciousness

Hello, World.

2024? Already? Inconceivable.

A lot of updates and changed since the last time I updated this blog. I'm hoping this is the year I start writing more regularly again. 

As it turned out, I really was "too old for that sholar shi*" and we went ahead and walked away from the academic life. That's one hopefully-not-too-far-in-the-future post. 

We made it back home (literally) and are really, truly living the dream. I mean, as imperfect and angst-ridden still of a dream anyone can hope for in 2024. Some major life changes have given us a quality of life that is infinitely better than what it was a decade ago. Yet I find myself preoccupied and constantly anxious. Time passes too quickly. I need it to slow down.

This past holiday season was unexpectedly melancholy for me, as this time of year has tended to be for the past several years. I was a downright crab fully in my feelings on Christmas Day. Is it because of external factors, or is that just my general countenance now? I think I am wanting the holidays to feel like it did when I was younger, but it just doesn't. And it can't. Everyone's older. The world is different.  I'll explore that at some point. I think I just need to set different expectations for future years. Not worse or better. Just changed.

These past couple of years has taken us off the beaten path, through many challenges, unexpected and exciting turns, and, ultimately, back home. I have no doubt that this next chapter will bring a lot of new adventures, and I'm looking forward to documenting it here.

Home projects, gardening, cooking, animals, nature, music, learning, travels, friends, family.

There's a lot to remember and celebrate. Happy New Year.