
Toot toot.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blogging-hiatus for this moment of Ysabel tooting her own horn:

Student 1: "Ms. Sarte, do you know what you're going to be doing next semester?"

Ys: "That's a good question. It's all one big question mark."

Student 1: "Oh really?"

Ys: "Yes, I'm sure you've heard all about the education budget cuts that are happening everywhere. For the university, the first thing that will get cut is the adjunct budget, which..."

Student 2: "But you teach so many classes! What are they doing keeping you adjunct?"

Ys: "Yeah, unfortunately, it doesn't work that way."

Student 1: "But you're freakin' amazing!"

Ys: "Aw! Thank you..."

So, if I get laid off at the end of the year, at least I'll have the love and admiration of my students. I wonder if the landlord will accept rent payment in the form of positive course reviews? Blergh.

In other news: DO NOT make up for the fact that you are getting out of a rehearsal at 9pm by eating dinner from Chipotle at 10pm. Because you will wake yourself up from sleep six separate times from tooting.

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