
I'm not saying it happened...

What if I told you that I was sitting at the desk reading through more of this godawful journal article while eating a strip of bacon fresh out of the oven? And what if I noticed when I was done eating it that some bacon grease had dripped onto a page of the article? And what if I put that page up to my face and licked the glob of bacon grease off the paper?

I am PMS-ing. Leave me alone.


Making progress... orOn living without a dishwasher.

I am sitting at the table reading thirty pages of some nearly 50-year old journal article on what exactly constitutes a "piece" of music as opposed to just plain old music (and by that, I mean I was Facebooking while the article was sitting next to the laptop). Scott just called at me from the kitchen:

Scott: "Hey hon? Can you explain to me this system?"
Me: "What system?"
Scott: "Of dishes..."
Me: "What do you mean?"

*Scott points to the rack of clean dishes*

Scott: "What are these? Are these dirty?"
Me: "No...they're clean. You just put them there to dry."
Scott: "Oh. So we're just washing things as we use them?"
Me: "Yes...."
Scott: "So I have to wash this plate I just used?"
Me: "...yeeees..."
Scott: "Ooof."

I have this sneaking suspicion that Schmooblebons thinks that there were secret magical elves that resided in our condo in Texas that would run the dishwasher and unload the dishes back into the cupboards at night. (Pssst. That "elf"was ME!)


On being in my 30s.

Did I really just buy an iPhone app called "Face Pilates"??

Yes. I did.

Also, I had day one (of THREE) of TA orientation today. Already I have stories. But not right now. Right now I have squats to do. And apparently some Pilates. For my FACE. Maybe some orientation stories tomorrow.



Well, here I am back in New Home #42,735 Lexington. What a great visit I had back home! Seriously, one of my favorites ever. Shout outs and endless gratitude to my parents and sister+fam for continuing to provide room and food (and more food) to me everytime I run off to the Chosen Land of Northern California. It was great to see everyone! If you aren't already Facebook friends with me, then...too bad because I posted about a trillion pictures of my visit home. Hurry up and friend me already, geez.

In other news: the summer thunderstorms have hit this afternoon, which means  that my Olympics broadcast via Dish Network have pooped out (NOT COOL), so I have resorted to this thing I used to do called blogging.

I saw Schmoobles off this morning - or rather, he came to say goodbye and I continued to lie in a horizontal position snugly covered in blankets while barely rolling over enough to mumble something in return (What? Jet lag!) - as he was off to Indianapolis for a few more days to finish his work with the Nerd Corps.

Meanwhile, upon finally awaking (at noon...*ahem*) I spent the majority of the day panicking about the beginning of the school year and feeling like I was expected to be doing STUFF and not really knowing what this STUFF was. The good news is that I sent an email to the other two new incoming TAs to see if they had any more clue about what we were supposed to be doing and, luckily, they are both in the same boat. In fact, I think I ended up being the one that was the least clueless about everything (scary). The other good news is that there is a chance I might have actually tested out of the History and Theory review courses! Whee! If that is the case, I will already - hopefully - have cut out a semester or two of coursework in the program. I was emailing with one of the other new TAs and he asked what courses I registered for. I told him the courses that our division head recommended I take this first semester and he was like, "Did you pass out of all the theory classes?" Apparently, he was instructed to register for a couple of Theory/Aural Skills review courses this semester. Since I was not, I'll take that as a good sign...

Anyway, that's that for now. TA Orientation starts on Monday and then I have a handful of meetings with some faculty and other new graduate students to go to and then...I jump on into PhD Land!

Now, let's see if the Olympics are back on my television...