
Santa drives a Buick.

For real. Scott and I are hiding out at the Panera Bread at Alderwood Mall just north of Seattle and we spotted Santa driving around in the parking lot driving a beige Buick. Man, I wish I'd had my camera in my purse. I guess Rudolph and his posse are storing up their energy for the big day. Anyway, we are at the mall for this reason. While we are one of the few fortunate ones to have power restored back at our apartment, we are still without Cable or Internet and this, as we have found, is too much to bear for longer than 24 hours. Thank god for free wi-fi at Panera!

On a related note, I haven't had work for two days, which, on the one hand sound like a fantasy situation. But, on the other, means that my next paycheck is going to be severely cut. Bah humbug. But how can I afford to buy myself that gold-plated diamond encrusted clarinet reed case I've been coveting for Christmas? Hahaha.

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