Before I even hear anything (metaphorically speaking) come out of your collective mouths, let me just state that I have been very busy these last couple of weeks battling the black plague - in its endless variety of transfigurations, all of them involving vast quantities of snot and phlegm - and, subsequently, successfully transferring the disease onto Scott, who unfortunately had to battle the black plague this past weekend while my sister and her family came and visited us.
Re: that last part -- HURRAY! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! Happy 1st Birthday to Vanessa again! -- Because, in keeping with my I'm-Such-A-Bad-Aunt-I-Forget-To-Mention-My-Niece's-Birthday-In-This-Blog-Every-Year tradition as evidenced here and here, I totally forgot to wish my youngest niece a happy birthday last Thursday. Boo. My nieces are TOO CUTE. I mean, for realzies. It's a good thing they were only here for a couple of days. Otherwise, I would have perished from too. much. cuteness. I have pictures to prove it. Maybe I'll show them to you later. If Scott and I aren't too busy coughing and sneezing up obscene amounts of goo.
Also, last night I had this dream that I got into a crazy intense argument with a teacher at some school that I apparently was attending, and I remember actually thinking in my dream, "Oh wow, this is going to make such a good blog entry!" and then I woke up and realized that I couldn't actually write about it because it was all just made up in my head. And I was sad. ...And then I got over it.
Anyway, Happy Valentines Day in advance everyone. May it be pleasant, with only a slight tinge of bitterness and disappointment.
Sounds like you need more ginger tea and Xango.