
Conversations with Texans.

Vacuum Repair Guy: "Can I have your name?"
Ys: "Ysabel..."
Vacuum Repair Guy: "Okay, that's I-S-A-"
Ys: "Actually it's with a Y. Y-S-A-B-E-L."
Vacuum Repair Guy: "Oh, that's a strange spelling! Never seen that before..."
Ys: "Ha, yeah..."
Vacuum Repair Guy: "Pretty, though."
Ys: "Thanks. Yeah, it's pretty rare I guess."
Vacuum Repair Guy: "And last name?"
Ys: "Sarte. S-A-R-T-E."
Vacuum Repair Guy: "Well, your whole name's just complicated!"
Ys: "Hahaha."
Vacuum Repair Guy: "And your phone number..."
Ys: "8-6-5..."
Vacuum Repair Guy: "Oh...see, that's why. You're not from around here."
Ys: "Yeah...it's actually a Knoxville number..."


Meanwhile, BB has developed a nasty and sudden habit of chewing up my shoes in our closet. Specifically the leather or pleather sandals that I have lined up nicely along the back wall because I wear them often. For work. After three years, she has suddenly decided that my most often-worn shoes are a tasty treat. UGH. I went in there one day last week and suddenly found that I was instantly without three pairs of everyday shoes. Blargh! So now I have to make a point of closing the closet door completely so she doesn't go in there for a mid-day snack.

I consulted Googly to try and figure out the problem. The consensus was 1) She is having separation anxiety issues. (Unlikely since I am home writing for pennies way more often than I ever was previously these last three years.) 2) She is having painful medical issues that she is acting out on. (Also unlikely. She does not act at all like a doggie in pain or ill. Normal bouncy BB as per usual.) 3) She is reacting to malnourishment and an insufficient diet. (Quite unlikely. She gets a mixture of wet food, good quality kibble AND pureed pumpkin - to help with the poop eating - everyday.) 4) She is acting out because she is not getting enough attention. (Very very unlikely. Aside from the fact that I work from home a lot now, we also continue to shower her with affection and attention. In fact, Schmoobs doesn't so much shower her as smother her with attention. To the extent that BB will often get fed up and struggle to free herself from his smothering on the couch and go to an empty corner of the couch so she can have some space.)

So what is the deal?! I'm really sick of losing shoes. Luckily, as I told Schmoobs, at least she did it with only one day of classes left in the semester, so I don't really have to worry about getting new work shoes until mid-January.

In the meantime, though, I did have to worry about the instant severe shortage of brown shoes in my wardrobe. But guess what? I scored a pair of super comfortable and cute Kenneth Cole Reaction boots at a consignment store for $7.99 today. I know many people get skeeved out at the prospect of buying used shoes. But these are in great condition and do not show signs of foot crabs or anything (is there such a thing?). Plus, they are Kenneth Cole Reaction boots for $7.99. And at the same time I also got a Coach black belt (sorely needed...I somehow made it the entire semester without wearing my slightly loose-fitting (and only) pair of black slacks once because I do not own a black belt (until now!) for $1.99. Yeah boi.

Consignment stores for the win!

Also, I get to fly home for the holidays in like four days. Wheeee!

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