
How does one misplace a soup ladle?

I mean, you can literally traverse our entire kitchen area in three steps. And I cannot imagine that there was any need at any point in time, between when I bought the ladle at Target two weeks ago and now, for me to take the ladle outside of the confines of our kitchen for some reason.


Anyway. How has your last few days been? If you're anything like Schmoobles, the answer is: CRAPTASSTICULAR.

Aside from not having a non-working weekend home in a while and having come down with a cold, he had a Wind Ensemble concert on Friday night that had us not getting home and fed until about 11pm. Then he had to get up at 3:30 the next morning to fly to Reno for a - literally - 24 hour trip to California for his sister's wedding in Truckee. Except that he sent me a message from the airport at 4:30am saying that HE COULDN'T FIND HIS DRIVER'S LICENSE. So, about an hour of trying to calm him down and help him through the ordeal via text message later, he was able to get through security by showing the agents his bank card, faculty ID, checkbook, etc. etc. etc. and on to Reno. Then he got to Reno and realized that there was no way he was going to be able to rent a car as planned to get to Truckee for the wedding. So he had to take a $100 cab ride. Awesome. At least the wedding itself was beautiful (I requested many picture texts.) and went off wonderfully. However, he had to be up by 3am again this morning to make his 6am flight back here because the Wind Ensemble has a dress rehearsal at 2pm. And then when he got to his car in the airport parking lot...the battery was dead. Luckily, a family walked by shortly after and was able to help him jump his car. Then it was straight to the rehearsal, which is where he is right now. But do you know what he gets to do tomorrow morning? That's right. Wake up at 4am to go back to the airport and fly to New York with our Wind Ensemble...whom he is conducting in Carnegie Hall! Whee! There's the silver lining. I wish I could go on the trip, but there was just no way to afford it. Plus, I get to have a week of no classes (pre-Spring Break!) so I can do some writing and practicing. I asked Schmoobs the other day what stuff he was looking forward to seeing or doing in NYC once they get there (they have a day and a half of free time after the performance before they head back) and, without hesitation, his answer was, "Sleep."

Poor Schmoobles. But, hey. Conducting in Carnegie Hall! That's pretty FANTASTICULAR!

In other news, I am convinced that anybody who finds it a good idea (me) to prepare a slow cooker meal consisting of chicken, onions, garlic, stewed tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and brussels sprouts on a day when you will be inside your home for essentially the whole day to sit through several hours of increasingly intoxicating heavenly smells has at least some masochistic tendencies.

And finally, BB did this the other day:

My heart exploded and so did Schmoobs' when I sent him the picture. She had found it in her little garbanzo bean brain to dig his scarf out of his suitcase that was sitting on the complete other side of the living room, drag it over to her bed and then lay it on top of her by herself. BB! STOP BEING SO CUTE! I DIE OF HEARTSPLOSIONS!

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