
The matter of "Schmoobles."

Omg. Word of this blog has gotten out to some in the University of Kentucky music department community. People are requesting to be given access. It's not the copious fart jokes, bowel tales and menagerie of idiotic ruminations (Hey, I'm in grad school! I have to use big words.) that worries me. It's the fact that I frequently refer to you-know-who (who is a Serious Faculty Member) at said institution as "Schmooblebottoms" (and such). I'm guessing he does not want it getting around to the student population (of which I am now part...on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays anyway) of the university. Dilemma.

And - pffft - as if I have the time desire to go through and edit every appearance of my favorite term of endearment.

Anyway. I wonder what I'll decide.

Also, I should probably start blogging again soon. I'm coming up on six weeks of my new life in College 3.0. It's been interesting... 

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