After journeying back here to Grad School Land and slowly readjusting to life being the only One In The House Who Cooks (i.e. I was tired a lot and hence we ate out a lot.), it didn't take long for Schmoobs and I to really start feeling like our bodies were in need of getting back to regularly eating healthy, home-cooked meals (read: we were super bloated). The multitude of vestige holiday sweets still habitating every nook and cranny of our kitchen also did not help. And then yesterday, Schmooblebottoms was in our Room of A Thousand Unpacked Boxes lifting a box (duh) when he yelped out and whimpered, "I did something to my back." At first I thought it was just a minor pull that might wear off in the next hour or so, but as he lied down on the couch throughout the afternoon, it became clear that it was pretty bad. His attempts to even sit up resulted in him collapsing back into a horizontal heap on the couch and he literally could not even stand up for one second.
(Side note: Because of this - and because of some effing weird and annoying problem we've been having with our car alarm - I was the one who had to go outside in the frozen dark shadows and disconnect our car battery for the night so the alarm wouldn't wake us and the entire neighborhood up a hundred thousand times in the middle of the night. And I did it! Without electrocuting myself! I AM WOMAN!!)
Anyway, this is all to say that Schmoobles awoke this morning (able to walk, albeit gingerly, thank Jeebus!) determined to make some lifestyle changes that would promote better health. We have gone through these health kicks many times before, some more successful and long-lasting than others. But - and this is important - this is the first time that I saw him take all the unopened beers from the refrigerator and
empty them out in the sink. Like, whoa. Go Schmoobs.
Long story short, I am really enjoying getting back into cooking at home, eating more meals in, and all around avoiding more bloatation (although I did have some cheesy poofs last night - hey, I'm human!). I even started a cute foodie cooking club Facebook group with a couple of Tennessee friends.
Check it out and join if you want! And today, Schmoobles and I bought a fancy schmancy new Breville juicer and our first weekly supply of produce. Also, some happy chicken, salmon, and eggs because All Veggies And No Protein Makes Ysabel A Stabby Girl. And then when we got home I totally unpacked all the groceries and organized about the first few days worth of fruit, cucumber, celery, and carrots into instantly-juiceable little orderly containers. Look at my beautiful creation. LOOK AT IT!!!
So, that's it. While Schmooliedoos snoozes away on the couch resting his achy back, I am sitting here eating a delicious bowl of leftover homemade chicken kaldereta with spinach and rice. Oh, and a little glass of vodka and (fresh squeezed!) orange juice. Being healthier doesn't have to mean sucking out all of life's joyful pleasures, doy.