
Things that have happened since my last update.

The youth of America have decided to take out all apparently non-essential "b"s from the word "babe" and came up with "bae." (Possibly this etymology stems from universal worship of Beyoncé, resulting in "bey," which was transformed to "bae"? I'm not really sure. But I've often wondered if this is the case.)

We said goodbye to our President of the Finer Things Club and Sun King, Bela, (HELLO UP THERE, BELA! WE MISS YOU!) and welcomed our new resident crazy, Tre (short for Andre, of the Double Entendres).

We moved to Lexington. That was, um, three years ago. And we bought a house. And then I finished my doctoral coursework for a Ph.D. in Musicology, which is a real thing. (Go me!) Now I'm dissertating. Well, that's not all the way true. Now I'm frantically searching for a job, trying to plan a wedding, and getting ready to prepare for the process where I begin dissertating.

"Dissertating" is a word, spellcheck. The committee decided.

I took both French and Spanish language courses in the same semester that I decided to focus my research, write a dissertation prospectus, and take doctoral exams on the music of Renaissance Spain. Incidentally, I became really good at remembering the Mac shortcut for typing in the ´ accent mark on documents.

American Idol was cancelled, thank Jeebus. Right on time!*
*(If this had happened ten years ago.)

We decided to throw caution to the wind and got engaged. I know, ten years is rushing it. YOLO, am I right? (Also, "YOLO" became a thing. It stands for "Ys Often Looks Ornery.")

I got really good at making frittatas. (The best tatas are free tatas, am I right?)

Time flew. Life continues. We move forward. Or at least we try.

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