Incidentally, this means a Happy TENTH Anniversary to me and Schmooblebottoms! TEN! Where does the time go? Well, in our case, it went to Tennessee, Seattle, Texas, and Kentucky. But it's been quite an adventure.
Question: Do we really have to start the count over next year? Am I allowed to have two anniversaries? Can Schmoobles handle two anniversaries per year?
Speaking of, we are celebrating this tremendous milestone in the most proper way possible: by being a thousand miles apart because Schmoobs is in San Antonio this weekend judging a Bands of America show. Sigh. But also, of course. Would it be any other way?
In the meantime, I am keeping myself entertained by torturing our animals. Especially Tre. I must fill his belly with wet food delicacies so that he doesn't kill me in my sleep for dressing him up AS A HOT DOG. (In fairness, I had just planned on dressing him in the same bat wings he wore last year, but I found out this morning that he has way outgrown them. Oops.)
Tre: "Hahahahaha. Sucker."
Tre: "Oh, goddamnit."
BB: "Treat?"
Follow-up from last post: BB has been to the vet twice the past week because we noticed on Sunday night that her right eyeball was very irritated and gooey and cloudy and I was really freaked out that she was developing cataracts and that her eyeball would fall out. So I took her to the doctor on Monday and it turns out that something (someone? Tre with his uncontrollable claws of doom?) poked a hole in her right eyeball. No worries, the vet said her own amazing eyeball antibodies were working to heal up the hole on its own, but we would also be giving her antibiotic eyedrops every four hours for the next foreseeable future to help facilitate the recovery. And eventually, she'll need anti-inflammatory eyedrops. As you can see in the photo above, her eyeball is already looking much better. I was told at her follow-up yesterday that the hole was developing a scab (good) that would eventually become loose and fall off on its own. Did you know eyeballs scab?? I did not. Cool.
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