
Dissertation update: Mary is simply the breast.

"So great was [Juana de la Cruz's] renown that in 1512, a certain Franciscan visionary, convinced that he was predestined to engender a sort of Messiah, wrote to Mother Juana, inviting her to be the mother of the future prophet. ...Juana refused to be swayed."
Nice try, man. Sounds like the poor little horny Franciscan sure could have used online dating. You don't have to be lonelyyy at Spanish Mystics Only dot com...

The past two hours of reading has been completely overtaken by the topic of the Virgin Mary's breasts. Like, how, in Juana's sermons, she describes the Virgin Mary as a naked child, but whose breasts begin to grow as she dances for God. It's all very symbolic and metaphorical. I'm still skeeved out by it, though. I guess I'm Catholicing properly. How ironic.

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