Oh. My. God.
I have a new job! Wheeeeeee! Effective this coming Monday, I will officially be the new Patron Services Coordinator for the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra. (ooooooooh aaaaaaaah...) It's quite exciting to finally have a full-time adult job with an actual official title, but all self-aggrandizement aside I'm fairly sure the job will pretty much largely entail me just being the b*tch for all the KSO patrons (especially the old, rich ones), the Symphony Board and the KSO Musical Director and Executive Director. I can't wait.
***Here's the part where you roll your eyeballs to the back of your skull as I shamelessly pat myself on the back repeatedly and congratulate myself for being so f-ing awesome***
So here's how it all went down: I was working dilligently at Star*ucks last week (and by "working dilligently" I mean "most likely drinking a self-made Soy Raspberry Mocha for free while gossiping about various work-related drama with fellow Star*ucks employee") when I received a phone call from my former clarinet teacher, Gary, saying that the Executive Director of the KSO, J.W., had left a message for him saying that he was trying to get a hold of me because a position had just opened up and he was wondering if I would be interested (Ummm, DOY!!!). Remember, this would be the same gentleman who interviewed a young and naive me last year for the Director of Operations job with the KSO, only to hand me a swift and cruel rejection soon thereafter. I immediately called Jonathan back to tell him that, yes, indeed I am VERY interested, whereupon he informed me that another lady at the KSO offices, L.K., would be contacting me by the end of the week to discuss the matter further.
While my insides were leaping for joy at the prospect (and while I may or may not have been spotted literally jumping for joy later that day in the Hilton hotel staff room...), I was a little bit hesitant because my communications with J.W. had been just vague enough that I was unclear on whether this was a
or a
We-Have-A-Job-Opening-And-We-Want-You-To-Interview-For-It-But-In-The-End-We-Are-Actually-Just-Going-To-Reject-You-Then Run-Laughing-All-The-Way-Home-
type of situation.
Anyway, after waiting patiently for about 6 hours for L.K. to call me, I couldn't take it anymore and got her number and contacted her. Long story short, we set up an appointment to meet early this week (which we did) and 30 minutes after the "interview" began, I got me a job! Haha! I quotation-marked "interview" because there really was no interview process. It pretty much amounted to me sitting down with L.K., having her tell me that my letters of recommendation (again, from the previous interview) were very impressive, explaining some of the details of the job description, and then her telling me all the reasons why working at the KSO offices is so great and why I should work there. It was nice having somebody virtually ask me to work for them instead of me begging somebody to employ me for a change, let me tell you.
***More shameful Ysabel self-love upcoming***
The most ego-inflating moment came when we were finishing up the "interview" and L.K. took me around to introduce me to everyone at the KSO offices, whereupon we popped in to J.W.'s office where he and the Music Director of the KSO, L.R., were talking. I shook J.W.'s hand and thanked him for recommending me for the position. I was like, "Yo, thanks for the props, dude!" And he was all, "Damn, no doubt! You the shiznit, yo!" Hahahahahahaha. I wish. But J.W. did say that he was so impressed with me when he interviewed me the first time that he immediately thought of me when this position opened up and made sure that L.K. gave me the first interview for it. At that point, my head ballooned to ten-times it's normal size and I gleefully floated away to celebrate the new job. Wheeeeeeee!!!!!
In any case, I will mercifully now be earning a significantly more substantial wage with this job and I will thankfully not have to plead my wonderfully generous computer-genius brothers for pity-money anymore.
And three thousand miles away along the coast of California, the heavens shook with rapture as Carlo and Jaime shouted for joy...
Also, can I tell you how excited I am at the prospect of wearing super-cute outfits to work now? No more various combinations of black, white and khaki topped off with a green apron. Life is good.
ps. Now I just have to figure out how to still get free cofffee and hotel room discounts...
Who this?
ReplyDeleteYAAAAY! Congratulations!!! :) Do they have any more openings? Office coffee bitch, perhaps? ;)
ReplyDeleteOMG CONGRATS!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey, does this mean that I don't have to anonymously fill up your meter anymore when I visit the library? Is there an *actual* Ysabel parking spot?