
Back to reality...

So, after a blissful month off from serving deliciously over-priced coffee to the masses, I go back to work at Star*ucks tomorrow.

As in, I must get up in precisely 5 hours.

And yet I am not asleep in my bed.

This does not bode well for the kind of day I'm going to have tomorrow.

ps. Oh yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


  1. Y; You were very chipper and energetic this afternoon for someone running on little sleep. It must be all that vacation buoying your mood. ;) That's right, "buoying." Take that.

  2. Ysabel,
    I was wondering if you could use your web prowess and inform your readers that your sweet charming friend needs a roomate. I made it a go this afternoon. Send good thoughts my way.
