Waking up at 5:30am, spending the next 5 minutes in the harsh blinding light of your bathroom failing at numerous attempts to stick a contact lens in your right eyeball because your eyelids refuse to be crammed open wide enough to accomodate a contact lens that early in the morning, getting on the road 45 minutes later only to be greeted by horribly unusual traffic, causing you to spend 20 minutes inching down 1 1/4 miles of highway, FINALLY getting to work 20 minutes late only to find the school COMPLETELY DESERTED because, as I would find out after getting back home and consulting the intarwebs, that today is a Staff Development Day for the school district*.
Meanwhile, this means that I STILL have not gotten paid by this district after nearly 6 weeks of work. Jack-in-the-Box Value Menu Chicken Sandwich**, here I come!
In other news: Tony Bourdain is fiiinally doing a No Reservations episode about my Motherland! I can't wait to see it!
* Which, in retrospect, is just a teeeensy bit better than my first paranoid thought, which is that I had somehow completely screwed up on the whole Daylight Saving Time.....? thing seeing as how my cellphone really really wanted to push the time back one hour yesterday morning when it wasn't supposed to. But I didn't. Because CNN told me not to.
** Actually quite delicious, as far as meat-product sandwiches that cost $1 go.