
Just call her "BB" for short.

Meet Beamer Boodles Buxtehude.

Praise Jeebus, she is not a yipper. For the first several days, she did yip for a bit at night when we kenneled her up for the night, but that seems to be falling by the wayside. However, she likes to chew on fingers, as well as eat her own poo and then lick your face directly afterwards, thereby causing Ysabel to erupt in a cruel cycle of constant gagging and dry-heaving.

I was very glad to make a purposeful visit to Chez Target this afternoon to buy a little baggy of finger-sized chew bones in order to dissuade BB from chewing on my beloved and much-needed fingers. Also purchased earlier this week? This.  Because that habit is f*ing disgusting, yo.*

At the suggestion of my younger brother, my next puppy purchase is going to have to be a miniature brown robe so as to turn BB into a baby Ewok for Halloween!!

Bela is slooowly but surely coping with the new addition better and better with each passing day. They are not Bosom Buddies quite yet, but at least at this juncture they can be in the same room for an extended period of time without barking and hissing at each other. I still have hopes that they will be BFFs before long.


In other news: I teach lessons from 8am to 7pm STRAIGHT on Thursdays. Just think about that for a second. Thursdays are now officially my Just Take Deep Breaths And Think About How Glorious The Weekend Will Be And Try Not To Take Your Clarinet And Run Over It With Kablooie In the School Parking Lot Day. I have now reached my goal of having 40 students (criminy!) per week, with probably one more day of lessons to set up... So far I have only noticed one instance of me walking down the halls of a middle school and hearing a whispered "...she looks like a student..." behind me as I walk by a gaggle of 14 year olds who are all bigger than me. Le sigh.

* Also: How hilarious is that chihuahua on the box? Haw!

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