2. Wait, do college professors use the word "stoked"? Am I still allowed to say that? How about "Blergh"? And "whatevs"?
3. ps. "College professor"? Criminy! What shall I have the students call me? "Professor Ysabel"? "Ms. Ysabel?" "Professor Y?" "Professor Awesome?"
4. I've been battling a cold every since returning to Barbecue Land after my blissful winter vacation. This weekend it took the form of horrible post-nasal drip and a cough, which, yesterday and today, meant that my voice has been alternating between high+squeaky and hoarse+borderline manly. It's cool. I kind of hope it stays forever. Except that my throat hurts like a mofo, so maybe not.
5. Random thought: Over the past couple of years there have been some instances in the news of authors being publicly crucified for writing what were originally touted to be autobiographies, but later on uncovered to be completely made up. Like this guy. And this old guy. Maybe I'm missing something, but if people just rethink of these books as writings of pure fiction, and the authors as writers of pure fiction, wouldn't these books still be great? And shouldn't they still be celebrated? I mean, like, say J.K. Rowling originally labelled Harry Potter as a true story of this little English kid who had wizard powers, and then later on we all found out it was all false (doy), wouldn't the Harry Potter books still be great fiction? (Bad example. I actually don't like those books. Mainly because I haven't read them.) But you know what I mean.
Aaanyway, back to teaching.
ps. I hope the rest of Clarinet Tuesday goes by fast. This coffee is working its power on my bowels with alarming speed.
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