
Dialogue: It's Spring Break and We're Bored Edition.

Ys: I'll be ready in a sec. I gotta pee first.

Scott: What?

Ys: I have to pee!

Scott: What?

Ys: (from the bathroom) I HAVE TO PEEEE!


Ys: Ack! There's already pee in here!

Scott: Haha! ...wait, I think that's from last night.

Ys: I'm pretty sure I've used the bathroom since last night.

Scott: Oh wait. I peed while I was on the phone with my dad.

Ys: (peeing) Ugh. It better not splash back on my ass.

The End.


In related news: I summon you all to harness the power of the intarwebs to find something fun/cheap for Schmooblebunnies and I to do this week that is within a reasonable drive of Dallas. Some kind of zoo or not-extremely-strenuous outdoor activity perhaps? Ideally not anything involving me grading tests of any kind or Schmoobs playing Street Fighter on ye ole Xbox for 8 hours straight.

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