I know I said that my next update would be a detailed account of the previous post's bulleted points of my Week From Hell. But I lied. Don't act like you're surprised. I'll get to it "next time," okay?
For now, I want to tell you all that my most recent "splurge" purchase (first one in...God I don't even remember) - i.e. something for me and me only and not for AT&T or our landlord or Dish Network or Kroger or Chevron or Progressive insurance, etc. - is my brand new brilliant wonderful Copco BPA-free double-walled plastic reusable coffee travel mug.
For now, I want to tell you all that my most recent "splurge" purchase (first one in...God I don't even remember) - i.e. something for me and me only and not for AT&T or our landlord or Dish Network or Kroger or Chevron or Progressive insurance, etc. - is my brand new brilliant wonderful Copco BPA-free double-walled plastic reusable coffee travel mug.
Purchased for $8 at the grocery store (it was not planned), but I'm pretty sure I've seen them even cheaper at Target and TJ Maxx. Anyway, this thing totally keeps my beverage hot for longer than the lame earth-destroying disposable paper cups at Star*ucks. And even when it stops doing so...I can just pop it into the microwave and nuke my cold coffee to my heart's content!
This is most ideal because of the fact that my first class in the morning is at 8:00 and our department secretary, who is in charge of the coffee-making for the faculty, usually gets in about 8:04 (add that to my list of grievances against my workplace). With this reusable cup, I can now make a quick batch of coffee at home in the mornings and not have to depend on slightly-less-than-punctual staff members! I used to not opt to bring from home before because, while I have roughly ten zillion traveler mugs from Star*ucks, they are all unfortunately large and metal, which means 1) I can't nuke it and 2) they are too large to use with our little compact 2-cup coffee maker at home.
So anyway. I spent an unnecessary $8 on this mug and it is TOTALLY WORTH IT. I love it. It's like my baby. I even got into a conversation about it with the lady behind the checkout counter at Pep Boys this morning, where I was waiting to get Schmoobs' car's left tail light fixed so he didn't have to take time outside of work to get it done. He drove my 1998 nearing 190k miles, tire-alignment-needing, passenger-side-manual-window-knob breaking Toyota Corolla in to work this morning and after he left, I got a call from him:
Ys: "Hey."
Schmoobs: "So...I locked myself..."
Ys: "Oh no..."
Schmoobs: "...INSIDE your car."
Ys: "Wait, what?"
Schmoobs: "Yeah, I locked myse--"
Ys: "OH! Was the door not opening? Yeah, sometimes it does this thing where you think you're stuck inside. But all you have to do is pull the door handle and then jiggle the door lock a little and it'll unlock. I probably should have told you that."
Schmoobs: "Yeah...I ended up climbing into the backseat, letting myself out that door and then unlocking your door with the key from the outside."
Ys: "Oops. Yeah, just jiggle the door lock next time. It'll work, I promise."
Schmoobs: "Yep... Well, I just wanted to call and let you know that your car is a little bit of a...hoopty. We need to get you a better car. And a better computer."
Ys: "Yup."
Schmoobs: "Better car. Better computer. Better job. Better place to live."
Ys: "Yup."
Oh, and when I was at Pep Boys, they totally had a one-zillion (twenty-four) pack of AA batteries for $5. Five dollars! What a bargain! So I bought one. (Meaning, Schmoobs bought one.) We will never need AA batteries again!
And that is the end of my wasteful spending for the week. (Except for the pack of Avatar: The Last Airbender - cartoon, NOT movie - band-aids that I bought for $2 because I think my nieces would like them.)
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