So, twelve tornadoes blew through here
yesterday. I'm not sure if it was a good or a bad thing that I was home since I didn't have to teach any classes. Our music building is new and large and when the storms blew through Rockwall, there was nobody else with me at home besides the Beebla, which kind of stunk. At least nobody was at home with me to witness me peeing in my pants.
Thanks to Jeebus that the two that tore through our section of Northeast DFW just barely missed us! But what we did get was strong enough to have me curled up as far inside our curved sectional sofa, wrapped up with BB (Bela didn't give a flying crap about the tornado nonsense, as you will see.) and a large comforter to shield us should anything bad happen. The most common advice is to get to the lowest level possible and inside a bathtub with a mattress on top of you. But guess what we have? A top-story condo with two showers encased in sliding glass doors! Wheee! Also, an entire wall made of windows! Double wheeee!
At the end of it all, we just got about 20 minutes of intense storming, huge hail, things flying around and hitting against our walls and sunroofs, but no damage. Unfortunately, other
nearby cities were not so lucky.
Right underneath where it says "Rockwall" is our condo. Notice the giant storm cell housing tornado #1 that is heading towards us. Bizarro-Steve Carrell looks concerned. Luckily, it just grazed us to the North.
Hail. From our 3rd-story Window Wall of Doom, you can see they are quite large.
BB curled up on the couch at the beginning of the storm.
Bela looked like this the entire time. Did he even wake up from his afternoon slumber during the Tornadopocalypse? Probably not.
Honey Badger don't give a sh**.
This is tornado #2 - the one that nearly made me crap my drawers. Again, we are in Rockwall and the tornado tore a path that passed just East. Phew.
Oh, here's a fun story: So Schmooblebuns was at work yesterday afternoon. Our university is located about an hour directly NE of Rockwall, i.e. directly where the storms headed after it blew through our condo. That red line going through Fate and Royse City is I-30, which is what we all take to get to work. It is also the exact path the second tornado took after it passed through. After the second tornado blew through Rockwall, I got a call from Schmoobs:
Schmoobs: "Hi, are you okay?"
Ys: "Yeah, that was scary, though. Where are you? Are you in the music building?"
Schmoobs: "No, they cancelled classes and the storm passed by here already so I'm heading home."
Ys: " You better not do that."
Schmoobs: "Why? I heard there's another storm coming later."
Ys: "Yeah, it just finished here and has touched down on Royse City. It's literally headed right to there along I-30. You're going to drive right into it!"
Schmoobs: "Okay...I guess I better turn around then."
Ys: "Yes. DO THAT."
Only, guess what? Schmoobliebottoms realized that he was almost out of gas and he couldn't head back to the university. He ended up pulling over under a highway overpass where other drivers already were, trying to wait out the storm. By the time the tornado hit where he was, it was wrapped in rain, so you couldn't tell you were looking at a tornado. EGADS!! SCHMOOBLEBOTTOMS! Anyway. He said it was completely terrifying, but he eventually got home safe. The best part was that, during this time, when I assumed he had turned around and gotten back to the safety of the music building but was in actuality in a highway underpass very near the path of a tornado, I got in the shower. Needless to say, I came out with 9 missed text messages and a billion phone calls from Schmoobliez convinced that I had somehow blown away with BB in a twister and was now singing to a bunch of colorful little people.
And then I cooked this for dinner and we all lived happily ever after:
The end.