Some people drink. Others do drugs. I take pictures of the Beebla.
BB surrounded by the things she loves most: blankets and toys. Look at that rump! It is intoxicating.
Handsome gentleman.
Look at his perfectly crossed paws!
I really REALLY wanted to post these Bela pictures on Facebook, but I already posted like five Bela pictures in a row. I didn't want anyone thinking I'd gone insane.
Speaking of drinking - on the way home from work yesterday, Schmoobs and I purchased a small bottle of whipped cream flavored vodka just for kicks. I had a small taste. DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! DANGER! DANGER!
Just a small, unfinished lowball on ice caused me to have a dream that Schmoobles was the father of American Idol superstar Kelly Clarkson. And that, even though she is a mega pop music millionaire, he had actually become even richer because of some brilliant business dealings. Oh, and he had a rust colored curly mullet. And then, with his riches, Schmoobles-as-Kelly-Clarkson's-billionaire-mulleted-father bought a miniature horse THAT LOOKED JUST LIKE HIM! It was rust colored and also had a luxurious curly mane. Oh, and the Schmoobs-lookalike-miniature-horse was evil to anybody except for Schmoobs and spent the entirety of my dream attacking me, which was particularly distressing because, instead of hooves, the blasted thing had claws!!!
I am now glancing at the remainder of that whipped cream vodka with a wary side eye.
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