
Wilkommen! This is truly comical...

What's up, party people? I cannot believe I'm actually attempting to start my own blog site. Has my existence really degenerated to this state? Is this what happens when you graduate from college? I thought I was cooler than this. ...Wait, no I didn't. Higher education, thou hast failed me! *sigh* Oh well. This seems to be the thing to do these days and lord knows I am one to follow every trend that surfaces (That was meant to be sarcastic). We'll so how long I can actually keep this blog going. Honestly, if this lasts for more than a week I will consider it a massive success.

Oh, and by the way (an homage to a former musicology professor... Stockton people, you know what I'm talking about), if you are a) a foodie, or b) have nothing better to do with your lives and want to check out another cool blog, check out my friend Sarah's: http://www.braisinhussy.com It is exceptionally witty and chock-full of food-related posts. She also talks a lot about anime and D&D (nerd!!!), but I just skip over those parts :) J/K, J/K.

Okay, what should my first official post be about? Hmmm... I would love for it to be something brilliant and/or hilarious, thereby setting my blog site apart from the zillions of other blog sites in the universe as being extraordinarily witty, intelligent, entertaining and all-in-all magically delicious. But it won't be.

Okay, maybe I'll just make this an introductive (Did I just make that word up?) entry...

So, I am a twenty-something year old (officially mid-twenties starting tomorrow! Gah!!) who has just recently graduated with a Master's degree in Music -- clarinet, to be precise. Licorice stick, if you're really cool -- and am now reaping the benefits of my costly education by being penniless, jobless and soon-to-be homeless. But, hey, at least I can play a mean clarinet and that's all the consolation I need... Psych! This sucks. I will have to figure out a way to fix this situation by the end of summer or I will be royally screwed. Oh, woe is me! Why did I choose the life of a musician?! Why? WHYYYY??!! ...Anyway, I am a California girl (Pardon me as I take a moment to feel nostalgic and homesick. ...I miss the ocean and my family. ... Ok, I'm done now) who has been whisked away and transplanted to a place that isn't California, but nice just the same. Here's a hint: "Wish that I was on ol' Rocky Top... something something something. Something something something... Rocky Top! You'll always be home sweet home to meeeee. Good ol' Rocky Top -- WOO! -- Rocky Top Tennessee." That's pretty much the extent of my knowledge of that song. Seriously, after 2.5 years of living here. If anyone from Tennessee reads this, please don't kill me. If I -- for some unexpected reason -- end up keeping this site for an extended period of time, I'm sure I will be keeping you posted on my tragic state of jobless-ness and ongoing search for a source of income. Anyone out there need a clarinet player? You folks at the Berlin Phil? I took four semester of German in undergrad! Ich spiele die Klarinette sehr gut. Achtung baby! Come on!

Ok, lest I fall into complete stream-of-consciousness, I will sign-off for the time being and (hopefully) continue this tomorrow. Or sometime.


  1. Yay, Ys! So glad to see you've joined the pathetic blogging community. I like how you call me a nerd, yet you're the one who thinks it's cool to call the clarinet a "licorice stick." Hee!

  2. Sarah! You have de-virginized my comments page! Wheeee!

  3. Hahaha, welcome to the world of blogging! I have one, too, in case you get bored: Robyn's LiveJournal

    I've never heard the clar called a licorice stick...should I worry? ;-)

    Anyways, I should be in bed right now. But instead I'm researching insurance for my musical instruments...talk to you later! ~Robyn

  4. Ysabel, I have to run and tell Dan. He will be so impressed by your interweb skillz. And happy belated birthday. I wish I could come and help you celebrate but we're in Michigan drinking beer and playing frisbee. I'll order you up that G&T when we're back

  5. Yay Ysabel, I has been a while. Just so you know I am also jobless right now. I was offered a teachjiong job at a school I don't want to teach at. We'll see. Good luck, it was nice to hear from you. I guess I may be the only person without a blog.

  6. Oh my goodness, three more comments to wake up to on my birthday! I feel so popular!
