

So I had taken a couple days off from writing anything in this blog and was feeling guilty so I -- feeling incredibly motivated -- sat myself down yesterday and wrote out a fairly lengthy entry, when, for some stupid reason, I decided to click on some link on the page without saving my post and DELETED THE WHOLE THING!!! AAAAUUGGHH. Anyway, I wasn't quite motivated enough to type my brilliant and wise thoughts out a second time, so I abandoned the project and went to Target instead.

And then, feeling motivated yet again (two days in a row!), I was all set to accomplish many tasks that I have been putting off for days/weeks: head to the Courthouse to renew my car registration, go to the post office to mail off my resume to the KSO and send my car payment, make a copy of my keys for Josh who is taking over my apartment lease this summer, drop by the public library to find some good quality reading for the summer, etc etc. And then Scott informed me that none of these places were going to be open today because it is Memorial Day. Double ARGH. So I guess the moral of this story is that I should be perfectly content with my lazy and inconsequential existence for the time being because the universe just does not want me to be productive right now. Right? Ok, I'll probably add more to this post later seeing as how I will probably be going stir-crazy fairly soon...

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Ysabel has a blog! I am all about wasting time on the internet (see also, my livejournal). ;)
