This is what I learned today:
Even though 1) Berries & cream = delicious, and 2) Diet Cola = delicious, Berries & cream plus Diet Cola = Ysabel taking a wee sip and then nearly vomiting inside her mouth.
The newfangled "Jazz" Strawberries & Cream Diet Pepsi is N.A.S.T.Y. I should have known better than drink it, considering it was Pepsi (Coke rules! Specifically, Diet Coke!!), but Scott and I went to his teacher's house last night for a cook-out and walked away at the end of the night with a leftover opened 2-liter bottle of the devil drink. Don't ask me why. I think because nobody else wanted it and we are suckers for free food and drink.
Anyway, don't take my word for it. You should try it and let me know what you think. I mean, you may end up liking it. If you like the taste of a pack of strawberry Starbursts melted into a bottle of inferior brand Diet Cola, with an additional cupful of sugar substitute thrown in for good measure plus a dash of gasoline just for the hell of it.
ps. And because I know you have all been dying to be updated on the status of my booooowels (I have to say it like that to soften -- haha, get it? "soften"? -- the inappropriate nature of this subject matter), I am well on my way to leading a satisfactorily regular lifestyle once again. Not primo yet, but at least starting to see some action again. Phew!!
Blah. That's all.
All my feelings of stress/guilt/anxiety/ineptitude/despair/anger/poopiness/etc. about having not yet found a job has manifested itself physically in the form of a muscle spasm below my right eye that has been going full-blast nonstop for about an hour now. The first twenty seconds it was "cool." When it lasted five minutes it became "funny." Twenty minutes in I started becoming "peeved." And now I just want to "bash my head against this laptop continuously until the blessed spasming finally stops."
In any case, as you have just learned I am still unemployed. It's been my daily activity since I've been back now to respond to a dozen job postings on Craig's List and anxiously await the inevitable "Thank you for your response. The job has already been filled but we will keep your resume on file." message in my Inbox. Blast it all. And to make matters worse, I've already gone through all the past episodes of Felicity that had been TiVo-ed during my recent California vacation (Vacation? Vacation from what??) so my daily existence is just that much more empty and banal. Part of me says, "Just suck it up and go get another coffeeshop job. A paycheck is a paycheck, right?" While the other -- bigger and more likely to get its way -- side of me says, "Waaaaaaaahh! Noooooooooo!!!!"
So, blah.
Something will turn up. Even I know that. At least my resume is still "In review" for a job at the Graduate School at UW, but I was given a swift roundhouse kick of rejection for the job I was really hoping to get at the School of Music. Whatevs. Anyway, I should have a bunch of packets ready and mailed out to area public school music programs peddling my wares as a clarinet teacher, so hopefully that will illicit some response. But all this waiting and constant rejection is quite intolerable. Quite intolerable.
In other news, today has been the first gray and chilly day I've experienced in Seattle since we've been here. And should I ever catch myself complaining about it even for a moment, I just have to remind myself that, less than one month ago we were two seconds away from spontaneously combusting into a ball of fire whilst loading the damned U-Haul for two dayson the surface of the Sun in Knoxville. "Oh wait, what? I should turn the heat on in the living room for a few minutes because it's kind of chilly in here? Well, don't mind if I do!!" Ha ha ha!
ps. And since I am still technically a clarinet player (I hope), I do have to say this: the sudden climate change today has made all my reeds turn to crap. Crappp!!! Where's a brand new box of Vandoren V-12s when you need one??!! My kingdom for a good reed!!!
In any case, as you have just learned I am still unemployed. It's been my daily activity since I've been back now to respond to a dozen job postings on Craig's List and anxiously await the inevitable "Thank you for your response. The job has already been filled but we will keep your resume on file." message in my Inbox. Blast it all. And to make matters worse, I've already gone through all the past episodes of Felicity that had been TiVo-ed during my recent California vacation (Vacation? Vacation from what??) so my daily existence is just that much more empty and banal. Part of me says, "Just suck it up and go get another coffeeshop job. A paycheck is a paycheck, right?" While the other -- bigger and more likely to get its way -- side of me says, "Waaaaaaaahh! Noooooooooo!!!!"
So, blah.
Something will turn up. Even I know that. At least my resume is still "In review" for a job at the Graduate School at UW, but I was given a swift roundhouse kick of rejection for the job I was really hoping to get at the School of Music. Whatevs. Anyway, I should have a bunch of packets ready and mailed out to area public school music programs peddling my wares as a clarinet teacher, so hopefully that will illicit some response. But all this waiting and constant rejection is quite intolerable. Quite intolerable.
In other news, today has been the first gray and chilly day I've experienced in Seattle since we've been here. And should I ever catch myself complaining about it even for a moment, I just have to remind myself that, less than one month ago we were two seconds away from spontaneously combusting into a ball of fire whilst loading the damned U-Haul for two days
ps. And since I am still technically a clarinet player (I hope), I do have to say this: the sudden climate change today has made all my reeds turn to crap. Crappp!!! Where's a brand new box of Vandoren V-12s when you need one??!! My kingdom for a good reed!!!
In which Robin kicks me in the ass for neglecting this you can blame him for what you are about to read.
"Damn Ys, I read your blog for it's witty comments on office life, gluttony, and the like, not for sixty-question surveys!..."
Point taken, my friend.
Ok, so to swiftly get you crazies back to reality lest you start thinking that my blog-absence has actually had a negative effect on your day-to-day existence, here is the first thing that I can think of to share with you all -- and you can file it under the category of Waaaay Too Much Information:
I flew back to Seattle on Tuesday, and for the four days that followed my triumphant return, I did not have one single BM. That cannot be healthy, n'est-ce pas? And I don't get it, because for the 10 days that I was in California, embarking on my newly invigorated healthy-eating makeover, I was as regular as...well, I don't know what, but I was freaking regular, people. In one end and out the other, as they say. And I have been trying very hard (well, harder than I usually do) to keep up with the healthy eating since I've been back. Cutting back on the Diet Coke, not a single trip to any fast food joints -- despite Scott's regular attempts to break my resolve by putting a Jack ball inside my car and making it taunt me everytime we drive by a Jack-in-the-Box restaurant, drinking lots of water, taking my multi-vitamins, etc etc etc. I am becoming very distressed about all of this. Why are things not moving along? Perhaps Scott's insistence that girls don't poop has proven so intense that his twisted fantasy has actually come to fruition and I have completely lost the ability to perform this necessary human function... Anyway, I haven't been eating any less, that's for sure. The thought of all that stuff building up inside is quite disgusting, I'm sure you'll agree. Blech. Out! Out!! Ouuut!!!
Now, aren't you all glad that I've returned to my blog? Yeah, I didn't think so. I hope you've all learned your lesson. I still haven't gotten a job and I have lost all purpose in life, so much so that all I have to write about is my lack of movement in the bowel area. Hahaha. Ugh.
I need a job.
Point taken, my friend.
Ok, so to swiftly get you crazies back to reality lest you start thinking that my blog-absence has actually had a negative effect on your day-to-day existence, here is the first thing that I can think of to share with you all -- and you can file it under the category of Waaaay Too Much Information:
I flew back to Seattle on Tuesday, and for the four days that followed my triumphant return, I did not have one single BM. That cannot be healthy, n'est-ce pas? And I don't get it, because for the 10 days that I was in California, embarking on my newly invigorated healthy-eating makeover, I was as regular as...well, I don't know what, but I was freaking regular, people. In one end and out the other, as they say. And I have been trying very hard (well, harder than I usually do) to keep up with the healthy eating since I've been back. Cutting back on the Diet Coke, not a single trip to any fast food joints -- despite Scott's regular attempts to break my resolve by putting a Jack ball inside my car and making it taunt me everytime we drive by a Jack-in-the-Box restaurant, drinking lots of water, taking my multi-vitamins, etc etc etc. I am becoming very distressed about all of this. Why are things not moving along? Perhaps Scott's insistence that girls don't poop has proven so intense that his twisted fantasy has actually come to fruition and I have completely lost the ability to perform this necessary human function... Anyway, I haven't been eating any less, that's for sure. The thought of all that stuff building up inside is quite disgusting, I'm sure you'll agree. Blech. Out! Out!! Ouuut!!!
Now, aren't you all glad that I've returned to my blog? Yeah, I didn't think so. I hope you've all learned your lesson. I still haven't gotten a job and I have lost all purpose in life, so much so that all I have to write about is my lack of movement in the bowel area. Hahaha. Ugh.
I need a job.
Are you still there?
Well, well, well.
It's been so long since I've updated this damned thing that even I am fed up with myself. My apologies. I know that you all depend on my bountiful witticisms and thoughtful insights to get you through your dreary day-to-day existence (oh wait, I'm the one with a dreary day-to-day existence...more on that, for sure)... Anyway, I for sure have a lot to update you all on -- oh my God, have I really not written about the epic mid-Western cross-country tour, my first weeks in Seattle, or my recent visit home to California??!! Zoiks. My bad. But, in the meantime, I do have to say that it'll take me some time to get back in the swing of things back in the blogosphere, so as a warm-up, let me offer you this survey:
1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Oy. All of them. Especially considering my current state of abyssmal unemployment. But the most costly one is my car payment...
2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
In Knoxville? I loved Wasabi. Who knows why? Mmm...Japanese teppan-yaki with the sweet, delicious orangey-colored sauce. Gggghhhllllarrrgh. Not really romantic, but since Scott and I can do some serious bonding over our mutual love of gorging ourselves sick on scrumptious grilled delights, then I have no choice but to list this one. Anyway, in Seattle? Haven't really found a place yet. We haven't ventured out much together outside of the Jack-in-the-Crack or Denny's vicinity. Agh. I need a job. Soon.
3. Last time you puked from drinking?
Oh God. It's happened only twice. And the last time was nearly three years ago? Let's just say I had an extra-strong gin and tonic made for me by an ultra-cool world-reknowned clarinet playa and had the bad judgment of drinking said extra-strong gin and tonic, whilst devouring an entire party bowl of M&Ms. Crikey. Later that night...cut to me with my head in the toilet in the bathroom of the Knoxville West Towne mall after trying to sit and watch "Big Fish" at the movie theater. Not my greatest moment.
4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar?
5. Name of your first grade teacher?
I honeslty don't remember. She was the mother of a friend of my younger brother. That's all I remember.
6. What do you really want to be doing right now?
I'm currently sitting on my couch watching Felicity reruns which I've saved up on DVR (huzzah!) while blogging on my laptop. Pure bliss. The only thing I need different is to have a job. Have I mentioned that I'm unemployed? Agh.
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Cartoonist. Then a musician.
8. How many colleges did you attend?
Zwei. University of the Pacific and University of Tennessee. I did spend one cool summer taking Astronomy at CSU Sacramento. That was fun.
9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now?
A white racer-back tanktop. Because it does not require me to wear an undergarment. Ah, free and easy...
10. GAS PRICES! First thought?
"F*ing George Bush."
11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you...
Hahaha. Moving to Seattle with Scott has been preeeetty sweet, so far, I'd have to say. I would just wish that northern California was just a bit closer so that I could visit family even more easily.
12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
What alarm? Hahahahah! Oh wait. Damnit, I need a job.
13. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
"Mmm...back in Seattle!"
14. Favorite style of underwear?
Hip-huggers or boy-shorts.
15. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex?
Meh. Boxers?
16. What errand/chore do you despise?
Changing the shower curtain-liner.
17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery?
18. Get up early or sleep in?
Proooobably sleep in. But once in a while it's nice to get up early and enjoy the quiet.
19. What is your favorite cartoon character?
20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy?
Eat? Watch a movie? Whatevs.
21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?
If there's something I don't mind everyone knowing, then you know it already. Otherwise, I don't want you to know.
22. When did you first start feeling old?
I don't really feel old. Turning 26 and being closer to 30 than 20 is pretty interesting though, I'd have to say. I welcome the coming years though! Assuming it brings wisdom, insight, a steady career and a stable income.
23. Favorite 80's movie?
Just one? Agh, then it'd have to be The Princess Bride. But Ferris and The Empire Strikes Back come a close second.
24. Your favorite lunch meat?
25. What do you get every time you go into Costco?
Mmm...if I'm hungry, then a Polish Sausage.
26. Beach or lake?
27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20?
Nah. I have a little bit of the romantic left in me, I guess.
28. Who do you stalk on MySpace?
29. Favorite guilty pleasure?
Laguna Beach on MTV. Oh my God, I love that show!
30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?
Dude, where's my car? Hahahaha!! "And theeeen??!"
31. What's your drink?
Ok, for my family who apparently thinks I'm a lush because everytime I go out and have drinks with friends -- which, by the way, happens like once a month -- I write about it in this blog: I. Am. Not. A. Lush. But for those times when I do enjoy a beverage of choice, I generally choose from this list of tried-and-true favorites:
1. gin and tonic
2. whisky sour
3. tequila
4. vodka and grapefruit juice
5. long island
6. vodka on the rocks with a couple of olives
7. gin on the rocks with a couple of olives
32. Cowboys or Indians?
33. Cops or Robbers?
38. Who from high school would you like to run into?
39. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?
I don't know any stations in Seattle yet.
42. Norm or Cliff?
43. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons?
The Simpsons. Doy.
44. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?
Hmm. No comment.
45. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work?
Oy vey. Must everything remind me that I don't have a job??!! ...Anyway, I did at my previous job. She was cool.
46. If you could get away with it, who would you kill?
47. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Scott Speedman. Hahaha. Only because I'm watching Felicity right now.
48. What famous person would you like to sleep with?
See above.
49. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
50. Last book you read for real?
Just finished The Devil Wears Prada last night at the airport. Good fluffy travel reading!
51. Do you have a teddy bear?
I think I have some left at home.
52. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?
Hmmm...must be some airport bathroom or something. Not too weird I guess.
53. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
Either way up north or way down sought. I think I've got the other areas covered.
54. Number of texts in a day?
Probably around 5 or so.
55. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or relationship?
Career. Careeeeeeeeeeeer!!!
56. Do you go to church?
Oy. Not regularly like I should. Sorry, Mom and Dad.
57. Pencil or pen?
Pen, usually. Definitely pencil when doing crosswords though.
58. bueller??? bueller??? bueller?
59. How many jobs have you had?
Customer service/retail: 2. Food service: 2. Music related: 3? (not counting gigs) Currently: 0. Argh.
60. What do you want to achieve in life?
I want to get a job in which I can continually advance and grow, both inwardly and outwardly. Preferably something in the music or arts field since I (i.e. my parents) spent enough Goddamned money getting me degrees in said field. Oh and to be more specific, preferably one that involves me playing the clarinet. For lots of money. Lots and lots. Of money. Is that too much to ask?
It's been so long since I've updated this damned thing that even I am fed up with myself. My apologies. I know that you all depend on my bountiful witticisms and thoughtful insights to get you through your dreary day-to-day existence (oh wait, I'm the one with a dreary day-to-day existence...more on that, for sure)... Anyway, I for sure have a lot to update you all on -- oh my God, have I really not written about the epic mid-Western cross-country tour, my first weeks in Seattle, or my recent visit home to California??!! Zoiks. My bad. But, in the meantime, I do have to say that it'll take me some time to get back in the swing of things back in the blogosphere, so as a warm-up, let me offer you this survey:
1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Oy. All of them. Especially considering my current state of abyssmal unemployment. But the most costly one is my car payment...
2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
In Knoxville? I loved Wasabi. Who knows why? Mmm...Japanese teppan-yaki with the sweet, delicious orangey-colored sauce. Gggghhhllllarrrgh. Not really romantic, but since Scott and I can do some serious bonding over our mutual love of gorging ourselves sick on scrumptious grilled delights, then I have no choice but to list this one. Anyway, in Seattle? Haven't really found a place yet. We haven't ventured out much together outside of the Jack-in-the-Crack or Denny's vicinity. Agh. I need a job. Soon.
3. Last time you puked from drinking?
Oh God. It's happened only twice. And the last time was nearly three years ago? Let's just say I had an extra-strong gin and tonic made for me by an ultra-cool world-reknowned clarinet playa and had the bad judgment of drinking said extra-strong gin and tonic, whilst devouring an entire party bowl of M&Ms. Crikey. Later that night...cut to me with my head in the toilet in the bathroom of the Knoxville West Towne mall after trying to sit and watch "Big Fish" at the movie theater. Not my greatest moment.
4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar?
5. Name of your first grade teacher?
I honeslty don't remember. She was the mother of a friend of my younger brother. That's all I remember.
6. What do you really want to be doing right now?
I'm currently sitting on my couch watching Felicity reruns which I've saved up on DVR (huzzah!) while blogging on my laptop. Pure bliss. The only thing I need different is to have a job. Have I mentioned that I'm unemployed? Agh.
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Cartoonist. Then a musician.
8. How many colleges did you attend?
Zwei. University of the Pacific and University of Tennessee. I did spend one cool summer taking Astronomy at CSU Sacramento. That was fun.
9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now?
A white racer-back tanktop. Because it does not require me to wear an undergarment. Ah, free and easy...
10. GAS PRICES! First thought?
"F*ing George Bush."
11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you...
Hahaha. Moving to Seattle with Scott has been preeeetty sweet, so far, I'd have to say. I would just wish that northern California was just a bit closer so that I could visit family even more easily.
12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
What alarm? Hahahahah! Oh wait. Damnit, I need a job.
13. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
"Mmm...back in Seattle!"
14. Favorite style of underwear?
Hip-huggers or boy-shorts.
15. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex?
Meh. Boxers?
16. What errand/chore do you despise?
Changing the shower curtain-liner.
17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery?
18. Get up early or sleep in?
Proooobably sleep in. But once in a while it's nice to get up early and enjoy the quiet.
19. What is your favorite cartoon character?
20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy?
Eat? Watch a movie? Whatevs.
21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?
If there's something I don't mind everyone knowing, then you know it already. Otherwise, I don't want you to know.
22. When did you first start feeling old?
I don't really feel old. Turning 26 and being closer to 30 than 20 is pretty interesting though, I'd have to say. I welcome the coming years though! Assuming it brings wisdom, insight, a steady career and a stable income.
23. Favorite 80's movie?
Just one? Agh, then it'd have to be The Princess Bride. But Ferris and The Empire Strikes Back come a close second.
24. Your favorite lunch meat?
25. What do you get every time you go into Costco?
Mmm...if I'm hungry, then a Polish Sausage.
26. Beach or lake?
27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20?
Nah. I have a little bit of the romantic left in me, I guess.
28. Who do you stalk on MySpace?
29. Favorite guilty pleasure?
Laguna Beach on MTV. Oh my God, I love that show!
30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?
Dude, where's my car? Hahahaha!! "And theeeen??!"
31. What's your drink?
Ok, for my family who apparently thinks I'm a lush because everytime I go out and have drinks with friends -- which, by the way, happens like once a month -- I write about it in this blog: I. Am. Not. A. Lush. But for those times when I do enjoy a beverage of choice, I generally choose from this list of tried-and-true favorites:
1. gin and tonic
2. whisky sour
3. tequila
4. vodka and grapefruit juice
5. long island
6. vodka on the rocks with a couple of olives
7. gin on the rocks with a couple of olives
32. Cowboys or Indians?
33. Cops or Robbers?
38. Who from high school would you like to run into?
39. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?
I don't know any stations in Seattle yet.
42. Norm or Cliff?
43. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons?
The Simpsons. Doy.
44. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?
Hmm. No comment.
45. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work?
Oy vey. Must everything remind me that I don't have a job??!! ...Anyway, I did at my previous job. She was cool.
46. If you could get away with it, who would you kill?
47. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Scott Speedman. Hahaha. Only because I'm watching Felicity right now.
48. What famous person would you like to sleep with?
See above.
49. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
50. Last book you read for real?
Just finished The Devil Wears Prada last night at the airport. Good fluffy travel reading!
51. Do you have a teddy bear?
I think I have some left at home.
52. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?
Hmmm...must be some airport bathroom or something. Not too weird I guess.
53. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
Either way up north or way down sought. I think I've got the other areas covered.
54. Number of texts in a day?
Probably around 5 or so.
55. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or relationship?
Career. Careeeeeeeeeeeer!!!
56. Do you go to church?
Oy. Not regularly like I should. Sorry, Mom and Dad.
57. Pencil or pen?
Pen, usually. Definitely pencil when doing crosswords though.
58. bueller??? bueller??? bueller?
59. How many jobs have you had?
Customer service/retail: 2. Food service: 2. Music related: 3? (not counting gigs) Currently: 0. Argh.
60. What do you want to achieve in life?
I want to get a job in which I can continually advance and grow, both inwardly and outwardly. Preferably something in the music or arts field since I (i.e. my parents) spent enough Goddamned money getting me degrees in said field. Oh and to be more specific, preferably one that involves me playing the clarinet. For lots of money. Lots and lots. Of money. Is that too much to ask?
West Siiiide!!!
Oh my God!
We're here! We survived! The weather is AWESOME!! Seattle rocks!
Unfortunately, we don't have internet in the apartment yet, so I'm seeking solitude at the nearest Star*ucks to get on the precious internet for the first time since leaving Knoxville. Anyway, I don't have much time to spend recapping the hijinks of the last week on the road, but I promise to do just so as soon as our cable and internet is set up at home. Unless I become so distracted by having cable television again that I forget about you all and this neglected blog and choose to watch 10 straight hours of the Food Network instead. We'll see.
One highlight you can look forward to reading about: "Hey Scott, remember on our fourth day of driving when we drove for over 13 hours to get from Casper, Wyoming through all of Montana, and Idaho and then finally Washington and then when we finally stopped just outside of Spokane we couldn't find a hotel with any vacancies anywhere and ended up driving over 100 miles more past Spokane because the towns (if you can even call them 2 gas stations, 3 crummy hotels - none of which has any vacancies - and a Denny's count as a town?) are 40 miles apart and then before we knew it, we had been driving for 16 hours and I got a f*cking flat tire at f*cking four o'clock in the morning and you had to change my tire on the side of I-90 in the middle of godforsaken nowhere in the pitch black of night and then after we got back on the road for about 10 seconds, we found that my f*cking spare tire was flat too, and then we had to get your truck out of the U-Haul trailer so that we could put my poor VW Golf on there instead and I could drive your truck to the next town, which as it ended up, was about 50 yards from where we were, and then I paid over $100 to get a hotel room that we would only occupy for about 5 hours, but neither of us cared anymore because we just wanted to get the hell off the road and into a horizontal position for a few precious hours, and when we finally got into the hotel room, Bela ran out of the room like 3 times because at that point, even he hated even the sight of the both of us and couldn't even stand to be in yet another hotel room with these two worthless human beings?? Remember that? Hahahaha. What memories!!"
We're here! We survived! The weather is AWESOME!! Seattle rocks!
Unfortunately, we don't have internet in the apartment yet, so I'm seeking solitude at the nearest Star*ucks to get on the precious internet for the first time since leaving Knoxville. Anyway, I don't have much time to spend recapping the hijinks of the last week on the road, but I promise to do just so as soon as our cable and internet is set up at home. Unless I become so distracted by having cable television again that I forget about you all and this neglected blog and choose to watch 10 straight hours of the Food Network instead. We'll see.
One highlight you can look forward to reading about: "Hey Scott, remember on our fourth day of driving when we drove for over 13 hours to get from Casper, Wyoming through all of Montana, and Idaho and then finally Washington and then when we finally stopped just outside of Spokane we couldn't find a hotel with any vacancies anywhere and ended up driving over 100 miles more past Spokane because the towns (if you can even call them 2 gas stations, 3 crummy hotels - none of which has any vacancies - and a Denny's count as a town?) are 40 miles apart and then before we knew it, we had been driving for 16 hours and I got a f*cking flat tire at f*cking four o'clock in the morning and you had to change my tire on the side of I-90 in the middle of godforsaken nowhere in the pitch black of night and then after we got back on the road for about 10 seconds, we found that my f*cking spare tire was flat too, and then we had to get your truck out of the U-Haul trailer so that we could put my poor VW Golf on there instead and I could drive your truck to the next town, which as it ended up, was about 50 yards from where we were, and then I paid over $100 to get a hotel room that we would only occupy for about 5 hours, but neither of us cared anymore because we just wanted to get the hell off the road and into a horizontal position for a few precious hours, and when we finally got into the hotel room, Bela ran out of the room like 3 times because at that point, even he hated even the sight of the both of us and couldn't even stand to be in yet another hotel room with these two worthless human beings?? Remember that? Hahahaha. What memories!!"
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