
When two rights make a WRONG.

This is what I learned today:

Even though 1) Berries & cream = delicious, and 2) Diet Cola = delicious, Berries & cream plus Diet Cola = Ysabel taking a wee sip and then nearly vomiting inside her mouth.

The newfangled "Jazz" Strawberries & Cream Diet Pepsi is N.A.S.T.Y. I should have known better than drink it, considering it was Pepsi (Coke rules! Specifically, Diet Coke!!), but Scott and I went to his teacher's house last night for a cook-out and walked away at the end of the night with a leftover opened 2-liter bottle of the devil drink. Don't ask me why. I think because nobody else wanted it and we are suckers for free food and drink.

Anyway, don't take my word for it. You should try it and let me know what you think. I mean, you may end up liking it. If you like the taste of a pack of strawberry Starbursts melted into a bottle of inferior brand Diet Cola, with an additional cupful of sugar substitute thrown in for good measure plus a dash of gasoline just for the hell of it.


ps. And because I know you have all been dying to be updated on the status of my booooowels (I have to say it like that to soften -- haha, get it? "soften"? -- the inappropriate nature of this subject matter), I am well on my way to leading a satisfactorily regular lifestyle once again. Not primo yet, but at least starting to see some action again. Phew!!


  1. I actually tried that other kind of Pepsi jazz.. cherry vanilla or something like that? It wasn't tooooo bad. I just can't be seen drinking Pepsi because it's bad for my image. Heh.

  2. That's a fairly accurate assessment of what the bottle I had tasted like... I won't intentionally buy any, I got it free at the parents'... I haven't tried the other kid, but I am generally a Diet Coke person too.

  3. I tried this too...I thought it was extremely weird because I couldn't taste the strawberry, but I could smell it. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of Diet Coke, either, but Coke Zero rocks my world!

  4. EW. Diet Coke all the way. There can be only one!
