
I know I said my next post would be the Japan pictures...but I lied.

Ugh, just one day back at my unbearably soul-destroying job and my formerly rejuvenated soul has already re-blackened itself with the intense hellfire of one thousand evil winged monkeys which feast on...

...Okay, it's not really that bad, but, man, customers are such bitches sometimes, you know? Ick ick ick. Like, hey, I'm sorry that you have to wait an extra 90 seconds for us to re-download and print a piece of music that came out wrong on the printer, but you throwing a hissy fit because I told you that we cannot just take an original piece of music and copy it on the Xerox machine because that goes completely against federal copyright laws pertaining to published sheet music -- something that I am clearly more knowledgeable of and, not to mention, more apt to be held accountable for -- isn't going to accomplish anything, nor is your smarmy comment made under your stanky breath of, "See? Nobody came and arrested you..." after we quickly and legally reprinted a newly purchased downloaded piece of sheet music for your hateful ass and very politely handed it to you despite every instinct to take the piece of music and give you 10 swift well-deserved paper cuts instead.


Ah well, I guess I'll just have to look at my Japan pictures on Flickr again while sipping a delicious cup of hot green tea and Zen myself back into a more peaceful state. Ommmm...


Oh, and P.S. So I leave for a couple of weeks and my triumphant return post garners one measly comment (thank you Joan!) from you ungrateful so-called faithful readers??!!! Unacceptable!!! I expect a much higher level of gratitude from you; otherwise, no Japanese souvenirs for you!! Hahaha, just kidding. I have no souvenirs for you anyway. I'm poor.

And P.P.S Have you gone to see "Blades of Glory" yet? Freaking high-larious. Go see it.


  1. "Ugh, just one day back at my unbearably soul-destroying job and my formerly rejuvenated soul has already re-blackened itself with the intense hellfire of one thousand evil winged monkeys which feast on..."


    Where do you come up with this stuff? You should be a writer. You can make going to get a Starbucks so exciting!!

    You can count on me for comments! What else would I do at work?

    Speaking of which - THEY BLOCKED ALL INSTANT MESSAGING AND PHOTO SITES. BUT NOT MYSPACE AND BLOGGING SITES - WTF!!! I can't see your photos. My coworkers and I are dying here without AIM. I don't care about myspace - bring me the IM!

  2. PDL BioPharma's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time. Please contact HELPDESK if you need this site allowed for business.

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    I can feel my productivity level decreasing exponentially.

  3. Customers suck but without them there would be no funny stories to share later.

  4. Sarah told me that you had gone to Japan to play. I was so impressed. But when I went to see your pictures, alas, I was unable to access them. I am sorry that your job sucks but am glad that you still have opportunities to play.

  5. Awww, hi Mary! Yes, I am a paranoid freak when it comes to posting pictures online, so I made my Flickr account private. I'll email an accessible link to Sarah...

  6. Blog comments are for people without telepathy. You totally knew what I was thinking about beer and tubas because I projected it to you. I didn't have to comment.

    I'm glad you travelled well, and returned safe. I'm also glad that you have enough sense to hide your photos from the prying eyes of the interweb.
