
I thought I covered my addiction pretty well....

Is it bad that I walked into work this morning carrying a Grande Iced Soy 2-pump Caramel Machiatto in one hand (for me) and a Tall Vanilla Latte (for one of my co-workers) in the other, and as I passed one of our educational road reps while double-fisting the cups of Life Elixir, he just automatically assumed that both drinks were for me and made the comment of, "Ha. One of those mornings, huh?"


Holy crap. I just looked at the order sticker on my Caramel Machiatto. I had asked for half the number of pumps of vanilla syrup. However, it seems that the person at the drive-thru typed in "15 pumps" instead. Yowza. No wonder it tasted a little sweet. And no wonder I'm in such a good mood! It's because I can't feel things anymore! Wheee!




In other news: My childhood best friend, Heidi (Hi Heidi! You know, you should comment on my blogs...), came up to Seattle to visit her dad who recently moved to a neighborhood literally about 5 minutes from our apartment and we had an awesome time just catching up over coffee and dinner. It's pretty amazing to have a friend that knew you from when you were a teeny tiny little 10-year old kid all the way through high school and then reconnect with them almost 10 years after you fell out of touch. Anyway, more details on that later. When my veins aren't filled with pure vanilla syrup and I am able to hold the same thought for more than ten seconds.


  1. Haha! Speaking of Starbucks, I went there twice today. Twice! In one day! For delicious delicious chai (first hot and then iced!)! Wheeeeeee! The first time around I also sampled a delicacy called a "Pina Colada Biscotti". Yum.

  2. Hey, it's Sarah again, I just saw this and thought you might be amused (:


  3. I am not much for commenting, but since my week of wonderful vacation has me in such a good mood, I'll try my best. You do realize that I am older than you Ysabel. Holy Crap! Now, I am not in such a good mood...better go to Starbucks or eat some chocolate cake to console me.
