You can decide for yourself what that extra "F" is for.
Let me just say this: I just checked my bank balance and saw that the good ol' U.S. of A. (New and improved in 2009!!) has deposted my tax refund. Praise Jeebus Hallelujah!!! The last 2 minutes saw me very literally sitting at my work desk, staring at my computer screen with an idiotic smile on my face, saying repeatedly, "Oh. ...My. ...God. ...Oh. ...My. ...God." I guess this is what they mean about delayed gratification, right?
In other news: I have not fully ingested last night's episode of Lost. I refuse to accept the fact that Future Sayid is working in cahoots with Ben. The only good thing I can make of this is that Lost is such a freaking mind-trip of a show, that pretty much nothing ends up being what you thought it was initially and so there is still a glimmer of hope for me that what I saw at the end of last night's episode was just Sayid manipulating Ben in some way and that all will be hunky dory. *crosses fingers for next 3 years*
Anyway, I am counting down the minutes until the workday is officially over and I can go read the Lost forums for ten hours straight and then re-watch the latest episodes seventeen times over the course of the weekend. Taaa!
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