

Omg. You guys. I think we are getting a puppy.  *smacks forehead with palm*

A Shih Tzu, fer cryin' out loud...

Send all comments and virtual purple nurples to: schmooblebuns@gmail.com*

* not really


ETA: No! I will not go down without a fight! Operation If Schmooblebuns Refuses To Be Convinced That We Should Wait Before Getting A Puppy Then Damnit We Should At Least Get Something Less Annoying Than A F*ing Shih Tzu For Chrissake!! is now under way...

Calling all readers!  Help me find this dog:

1. Medium sized (apartment-approved maximum weight is 40 or 50)

2. Good with cats

3. Doesn't need a whole ton of exercise (although, I do need to raise my exercise regimen...)

4. Hypo-allergenic would be nice, but I typically become desensitized to new animals after several weeks of asthma-and-allergy-pill-popping 

5. Knows how to use a toilet, as well as flush afterwards, and can make daily trips to Star*ucks for me.

...Ok, that last one is just a pipe dream


Ugh, I keep changing my mind... Would a Shih Tzu really be all that bad?! Blergh.

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