In most recent news: I just received an e-mail from one of the schools where I teach clarinet stating that they have cancelled classes starting now through all of next week, due to.....dun dun duuuuuunnn.....the SWIIIIIIINE FLUUUUU. Or, as I prefer to call it, The Little Piggy Flu (See, doesn't that sound cuter?). Is anyone else sick of talking about/hearing about/Facebooking-statusing about/etc.-ing about this? Yeah, me too. Moving on...
So many things have passed mention in this blog the last several weeks due to my neglectful (read: too tired to care) nature. Namely:
1. When Schmoobles and I went to Austin for the weekend so he could attend this major nerdfest, I saw a gay bar for the first time since moving to Barbecue Country. I even took a picture, but I am too lazy to go upload it from my camera, so this one I found on Google will have to do:
Also, please notice the beautiful white Mazda3 5-door parked directly in front of Oilcan Harry's. Preciousssss. 
Also notable: When eating lunch in Austin directly across from aforementioned bar, I noticed a man wearing a SF 49ers sweatshirt and was quite pleased. Had I not been flat broke at the time (what else is new?), I would most definitely have bought him a drink.
2. My dear mother came to visit us last weekend. I enjoyed it thoroughly and hope she did as well, despite my having to use every ounce of strength to stave off the uncontrollable extreme surliness that happens every few weeks when I am about to receive the Monthly Confirmation That I Am Indeed Without Child. It was a short visit so we didn't see TOO terribly much. Plus, let's face it, I'm in north Texas...there are only so many bales of hay and dead armadillos on the side of the road I can point out before it gets a little old. Oh, I kid, I kid.
Really, there's more than that to see here. Like the Super Target and two Star*uckses in town. No, okay, in all seriousness, I showed her the itsy bitsy teeny weeny little town where Schmoobles and I teach college. Mainly because she insisted upon seeing it. And can I just say that she compared said town to Napa Valley? Oh, to see the world through the eyes of my dear sweet mother... Well, I would not be so vicious as to repeatedly refer to my students as idiots and morons, I guess. It's a give and take. Maybe someday I'll post pictures (Again, see: lazy and tired.). Until then, maybe you can just close your eyes and envision the beauty and pastoral grandeur of Napa Valley wine country. Now take away the vineyards, the million dollar estates, the rolling hills, the oak trees, the French bistros and pricey boutiques. And then add a giant Walmart.
I should also mention that we ate lunch in Historic Downtown Commerce, TX at Mak's Place Country Cookin' where we feasted on shrimp cocktail, tuna tartare and filet mignon french fries, fried corn fritters, fried zucchini, fried chicken and a hamburger. And please, for your own entertainment, try to imagine how completely awesome it was to sit in a booth at this little country diner full of sweet Southern country folk as your mother proceeds to get up and take pictures of the restaurant from different locations of the dining floor. And how did I know that this was happening despite the fact that I was hunched over in the booth, with my eyes glued to my Coke, willing myself to teletransport to...anywhere but there? Because I could see camera flashes going off at five second intervals with my peripheral vision. Ai Mami! Hahaha. My mom is awesome.
Also worth noting: Later that night, we had dinner at Razzoo's where we had a lovely meal of yellow tail sashimi with wasabi and cucumber gelee fried alligator, fried catfish, fried crawfish, hush puppies and french fries.
3. Okay, LOST: So Daniel is (probably/implied to be/but not proven to be permanently) dead. While he was not my fave hottie on the show (sorry Sarah), I have to admit that he has the sensitive male crier quasi-nutjob thing down pat. The episode had the stench of portending death all over it, and it was going to have to be either Daniel or Desmond. Sucks that it had to happen. Sucks even more that Eloise is such an unlikable hateful freako mommy! Ugh. Eloise.
4. Oh! Speaking of LOST and backtracking a little bit: I successfully got my mother hooked on LOST while she was here. Victory! Victory is mine! She borrowed our Season 1 DVD set to finish watching after her visit, and has made me promise to bring the Seasons 2 - 4 DVDs home with me over the summer. Hehehe.
Okay, that is all.