
Boop Boop Boop!! Security Has Been Compromised!!

Some dear individual from the city where I teach college has Googled my name and found this blog. Clearly, I cannot have students reading about my bowel movements and then expect them to look at me respectfully as I lecture about Debussy and the Golden Ratio the next morning. So probably for the next month or so, as this person assumedly tries to infiltrate this blog again and repeatedly does not succeed and - hopefully - eventually gives up, it will be private. Hopefully, you have gotten an email inviting you to read this blog. If you are currently reading this, then you have. Doy.


Also, I was drooling over looking at the Mazda USA website last night and Schmooblebuns happened to be videotaping me. Look at the footage:

ETA: He also apparently managed to film me when a couple minutes later when I found out that one of my students had infiltrated this blog. It starts at 1:42.

Greg, to answer your question: I found out through my trusty reader stalking device website stat counter, which tells me when people visit my blog, and what city they are in. And considering the fact that this aforementioned city contains nothing but the campus and a Walmart (no Star*ucks or Target!), it's safe to say that it's probably one of my students. ...Sneaky little hobbitses.

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