
Dorm Mom .....*shudder*

Well, folks. I'm about 24 hours away from a three-week long adventure in something I like to call "Oh, The Things A Music Teacher Will Do To Earn A Couple Bucks In The Summer." Oy. Otherwise known as agreeing to be the "Dorm Mom" for three consecutive weeks of summer music camps. 

Con: 5 days and 4 nights of each week required to be spent on the university campus 24/7 with the possibility of having to break up and/or punish for stupid idiotic hormone-fueled adolescent shenanigans. Note to self: Does Target sell whips? Or tasers? Or monkey cages?

Pro: If I can MacGuyver together some wireless internet access in those dorms, there will likely be blog-material coming out of my tight (because I've been working out, don't you know) buttocks.

Ugh. Can we fast forward to three weeks from now when I am collecting my paycheck ..... and PREPARING FOR MY TRIP BACK HOME TO CALIFORNIA YAY YAY YAYAYAYAY!!

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