
See?! This is why I hate people who have penetration parties and loud 3am raves in the pool!!

Because Schmoobs and I just went down to enjoy a nice relaxing and quiet soak in the hot tub to ease our old aching muscles...and found that management has decided to chain lock the pool area so nobody can get in now. Way to ruin it for everyone dummies. UGH. People suck.

In other news: I bought some super bouncy and cushiony shoe inserts to put in my running shoes and I am way stoked to try them out tomorrow morning. You know what lesson I learned the first two days of working out? RUNNING IN HIKING SHOES BECAUSE YOU DON'T OWN ACTUAL RUNNING SNEAKERS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. A centuries-old gymnastics ankle injury was re-awakened and I hobbled to the shoe store last week to buy an excellent pair of proper New Balance running shoes (On Sale! $30!! Pink and white!) which has helped tremendously. I am hoping the shoe inserts help even more because, as my body gradually becomes more and more accustomed to the (quasi...) daily cardio workout, I am finding that I have to stop running, not because my body is tired per se, but because my damn old lady ankles are giving out so early. 

Oh hey, you know what would make my ankles feel so totally excellent right now? A SOAK IN THE HOT TUB THAT'S WHAT. Harumph.

Can you tell I'm bitter?

Anyway. Have you guys seen the new Terminator movie? Nothing earth-shattering, but a good summer action flick nonetheless. Oh, and it has the alternate-reality (because in this reality, Schmooblebunnies is my one and only, as clearly insinuated in his name) future father of my children:

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