
Hello? Anyone still out there?

I'm in California now. Teachin' me some clarimahnets. Eatin' my sister and her family out of house and home. Visitin' my beautiful Alma Mater in 109-degree heat to watch my Schmooblebottoms' drum corps perform one day and then picnickin' and dim summin' in the City by the Bay in arctic 60-degree chill the next. 

Anyway. Aside from missing The President of the Finer Things Club and Schmooblebottoms, life is good. BB is sitting next to me as I update this blog at 2 in the morning, which is nice considering during normal waking hours, BB spends her time evading the vicious (not really) whackings from my sister's dog Xander who, I am not entirely convinced is not part wolf:

Don't worry. No BBs were harmed in the making of this photo.

In other news: Obviously I survived the three-week intensive Dorm Mom assignment. Also known as Operation: Remind Me Never To Have Children Ever Ever Ever. Hahaha. Oh hey, here's something cool: We were abruptly moved to a different housing site for the third week with no warning. You know why (I found out after the fact)? Because they found out the first building - you know, the magical place where we had 3 fire alarms go off IN ONE NIGHT? - had a f*ing nest of snakes in one of the vents. 

So, in hindsight, the occasional cockroach in the second building didn't seem so bad. Although that didn't stop me from having a PTS nightmare the night after camps were over that I was back in the dorms and  giant cockroach was sitting in front of me doing sit-ups and taunting me.

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