
Well, it's Saturday night and I ain't got nobody...

...or something like that. Isn't that from a song? 

There is no long glorious update yet, but I did want to say this: WHAT PART OF "I HATE HAVING PRODUCT IN MY HAIR" IS SO DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND IF YOU ARE A HAIR DRESSER WHO I PUT IN CHARGE OF CUTTING MY HAIRS?!?! Ugh. Pet peeve to the maximus. I guess my two planned showers of the day will now have to be amped to three so I can wash this disgusting unwanted (albeit good-smelling, but still) crap off of my head.

Also: I am going to be thirty (ptoo ptoo ptoo) in less than a year and, Lord help me, I still love instant Ramen noodles so much. Especially when I mix in some frozen corn and peas. Is that ghetto? Or has enough time passed since my college years that it can now be charmingly nostalgic?

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