

My spidey senses (i.e. my website tracker) tells me that I have been getting slightly increased traffic lately (despite my lack of posting *oops*) most likely because I have decided to un-privatize (unlike our current healthcare system... see what I did there? Woot stealth political commentary!) this blog, at least for the time being. So far I have had no unwelcome visits from any readers currently residing in any of the cities where I teach, so so far so good. 

But now I feel all obligated to post regularly again. Bleargh. Here goes:

1. I had some Forbidden Mac n' Cheese for part of my lunch today. And it was purchased at  a goddamn Walmart deli, for crying out loud. I don't even know what to say about that except that teaching middle and high school clarinet lessons at 8 in the morning makes you do crazy things.

2. Speaking of delicious things that I am not supposed to eat: I would (not) literally kill for a carrot cake with walnuts and cream cheese frosting right now. Especially if it were accompanied by a couple of McDonald's hot apple pies. Also: I am PMS-ing.

3. I received an email from a student today containing highly informal text-speak, poor spelling, AND improper grammar. Oh God, I SOOO want to post it on here whilst making snarky/bitter/unprofessional commentary about the state of our nation's youth and their increased inability to embrace the art of the written word...but I can't now that this blog is public again. Drat. But let me tell you - you would be appalled!! Ugh. I mean, have fun with the LOL-speak with your friends. Have at it on your Facebook. But to one of your college professors?! Yeesh. I haven't been able to bring myself to respond yet. 

Note to self: First sentence of your next syllabus must read "The use of text-speak or emoticons in any assignment or email correspondence will result in immediate failure. Both of the assignment and life in general."

4. Speaking of: I posted this video on my blog today because I think the song - and particularly the soprano's voice in this performance - is beautiful. But I think the comment from one of my former college students is pretty funny:

(click to view larger)

5. My dear sweet mother - whose birthday was last Saturday (Happy Three Days After Your Birthday!) - left yesterday with my aunt to spend time with family in the Philippines for three months. Ack! Three months! Confound it. I should have thought ahead and made plans to stow away in one of her suitcases - or stuffed myself into a balikbayan box! Ah! Would that I were currently lounging blissfully on the white-sand beaches of my motherland and spending time with my fam whilst bingeing on delectable Filipino treats and frosty beverages! But instead, I must continue teaching the chilruns how to make pretty sounds on the devil stick all the live long day. That's wack.



So I was totally amped to post a couple videos on here that I took a few nights ago of BB in complete distress because Bela was sitting right next to one of BB's favorite toys (her stuffed pony) and refused to let her get near it. BB kept running and growling and barking all around Bela, but if she deigned to get too close, Bela would lunge and bitch slap her. It was hilarious. And the whole thing lasted like over ten minutes. And I was going to name the post "It's like freaking National Geographic over here." because I felt like a stealthy nature videographer capturing footage of a dramatic animal battle. But, alas, it was not to be. The video was way too dark and you could hardly see anything. Poop.

In other news: I think I'm getting a little soft around the middle again. Yarrr. Which is a little surprising since I feel like I haven't really had much of an appetite for the past couple of weeks. Actually no, scratch that. I feel hungry very often. Except then when I go to eat something, I take a bite and want to throw it up. What's up with that? But then again, I have been immersed in quite the whirlwind of emotions as of late (Oh, I haven't shared the details of that with you yet? Hm. Maybe later, I promise. Maybe.) and I could very well be eating my feelings* more than I am aware. Ugh. Anyway, my point is that I guess I should start working out again like I had been before summer. Maybe later. I promise.....maybe.

* I am really looking forward to the day when I have the extraneous money with which to spend on superfluous non-essentials, such as this book. I have read snippets online and, Jeebus, these recipes are hilarious:

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Outsourced Facebook Status Update #4

Ysabel Sarte stopped at Wendy's on her way home from work to get some food* and arrived home to find that, instead of the hamburger and chicken bites she ordered, the bag contained two disgusting cheese and chicken sandwiches. Ugh. Just as well. Took one look at the sandwiches and nearly retched all over them. 

* I mean. Who spends the last two days feeling like a nauseated mucous-machine with a cheese-grater-shredded throat, and then decides it's a good idea to stop and get fast food for lunch?? Blaaar. I hate being sick. The end.

Outsourced Facebook Status Update #5

Ysabel Sarte just blew her nose and thinks her entire brain came out.

Outsourced Facebook Status Update #6

Ysabel Sarte is alternating between being completely ravenous and then wanting to vomit at the mere thought of food. Urgh.


Newsflash: Relationships are hard (i.e. Biggest Understatement of the Year)

In other news: last night I awoke in a sweat from a dream involving me taking a public shower (ew) and then having to rescue a sweet German Sheperd who was being held captive in a stable by an evil Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn! Nooo!) to find that I had sharp stabbing pains in my throat. And now I am fighting back the urge to cancel the rest if my lessons, run home and spend the remainder of the day gargling with ice cold water as that seems likely to soothe the fiery burning scratchiness in my throat. But I need the money (Second Biggest Understatement of the Year) so I can't. BLEARGH.



I just got an email from one of my student's mom saying her kid has the swine flu. ZOMFG.

*puts down ham sandwich lunch and immediately runs to dunk self in giant antiseptic vat of bleach*

-- Post From My iPhone


O hai internetz.

Yeah, still here. Just dealing with shtuff lately. Blergh. But seeing as how I can finally feel myself rising gradually out of this growing-up related funk, I figured I'd drop a note to let you know that I'll be back to my ridiculously random and pointless blogging self again soon. Who knows, I'll probably even let you in on what's been up my butt lately. But in the meantime, Giada is on my television crumbling gorgeously crispy bacon on top of some bean and cheese crostini -- and that deserves my full attention. So see you spater.


Outsourced Facebook Status Update #3

Ysabel Sarte thinks she will drown her sorrows by toasting two generic-brand Eggo waffles, drizzling them with syrup, making some scrambled eggs and turkey bacon, and then fashioning it all into one gigantic disgusting waffle breakfast sandwich.


What, you thought I was kidding?

Outsourced Facebook Status Update #2

Ysabel Sarte apparently deals with sadness and stress by drinking coffee and buying treats for her puppy at Petco.