
Outsourced Facebook Status Update #4

Ysabel Sarte stopped at Wendy's on her way home from work to get some food* and arrived home to find that, instead of the hamburger and chicken bites she ordered, the bag contained two disgusting cheese and chicken sandwiches. Ugh. Just as well. Took one look at the sandwiches and nearly retched all over them. 

* I mean. Who spends the last two days feeling like a nauseated mucous-machine with a cheese-grater-shredded throat, and then decides it's a good idea to stop and get fast food for lunch?? Blaaar. I hate being sick. The end.

Outsourced Facebook Status Update #5

Ysabel Sarte just blew her nose and thinks her entire brain came out.

Outsourced Facebook Status Update #6

Ysabel Sarte is alternating between being completely ravenous and then wanting to vomit at the mere thought of food. Urgh.

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