

So I was totally amped to post a couple videos on here that I took a few nights ago of BB in complete distress because Bela was sitting right next to one of BB's favorite toys (her stuffed pony) and refused to let her get near it. BB kept running and growling and barking all around Bela, but if she deigned to get too close, Bela would lunge and bitch slap her. It was hilarious. And the whole thing lasted like over ten minutes. And I was going to name the post "It's like freaking National Geographic over here." because I felt like a stealthy nature videographer capturing footage of a dramatic animal battle. But, alas, it was not to be. The video was way too dark and you could hardly see anything. Poop.

In other news: I think I'm getting a little soft around the middle again. Yarrr. Which is a little surprising since I feel like I haven't really had much of an appetite for the past couple of weeks. Actually no, scratch that. I feel hungry very often. Except then when I go to eat something, I take a bite and want to throw it up. What's up with that? But then again, I have been immersed in quite the whirlwind of emotions as of late (Oh, I haven't shared the details of that with you yet? Hm. Maybe later, I promise. Maybe.) and I could very well be eating my feelings* more than I am aware. Ugh. Anyway, my point is that I guess I should start working out again like I had been before summer. Maybe later. I promise.....maybe.

* I am really looking forward to the day when I have the extraneous money with which to spend on superfluous non-essentials, such as this book. I have read snippets online and, Jeebus, these recipes are hilarious:

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