
Newsflash: Relationships are hard (i.e. Biggest Understatement of the Year)

In other news: last night I awoke in a sweat from a dream involving me taking a public shower (ew) and then having to rescue a sweet German Sheperd who was being held captive in a stable by an evil Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn! Nooo!) to find that I had sharp stabbing pains in my throat. And now I am fighting back the urge to cancel the rest if my lessons, run home and spend the remainder of the day gargling with ice cold water as that seems likely to soothe the fiery burning scratchiness in my throat. But I need the money (Second Biggest Understatement of the Year) so I can't. BLEARGH.



I just got an email from one of my student's mom saying her kid has the swine flu. ZOMFG.

*puts down ham sandwich lunch and immediately runs to dunk self in giant antiseptic vat of bleach*

-- Post From My iPhone

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