In other news: I made a batch of lumpia (mom's recipe) to bring to our friends' house for Thanksgiving dinner later tonight. Because nothing commemorates the arrival of the pilgrims to Plymouth Rock and breaking bread with the Native Americans for the first time quite like Filipino lumpia. But seriously. Nobody - and I mean nobody - doesn't* like lumpia, regardless of the occasion. Unfortunately, the recipe made enough for roughly one and a half trillion lumpias. So I am bringing about 20 rolls to fry up there tonight (should be enough for 5 people, right?), wrapped up 30 more (using up all the wrappers I purchased) to store in our freezer, and still have two tupperwares full of extra filling. Mmmm...delicious lumpia filling.
Also, I am happy to report that the entire process - while incredibly time consuming (can't avoid it), mainly because I do not own a food processor - was enjoyable and more efficient than my last attempt (coincidentally, for Thanksgiving 2007) due to the fact that I was able to use the wonderful (i.e. waaay sharp) chef's knife my mother bought me, instead of the glorified nail file I had to use last time. Five different kinds of chopped vegetables and not one chopped off finger? Happy Thanksgiving indeed!
The fruit of my labor:
X-treeeme CLOSE UP!!
And my eager and hopeful audience member all morning:
(that's "The Godfather II" playing in the background.)
Note to self: Remember to fix the focus settings before taking a video on your camera, damnit!
I fried up a few test rolls just to make sure everything turned out tasty and poifect (WHICH IT DID THANKYOUVERYMUCH), but Schmoobs and I ate them all before I could remember to take a picture. Whoopsie daisies. *burp*
*Blatant double negative totally intended.
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