Random thoughts while I wait for this second video to upload (fingers, toes, earlobes, fallopian tubes, etc. crossed).
1. Eating a handful of Skittles followed by a sip of red wine is ....entirely not as disgusting as you might think.
2. So. The apple cider vinegar magic potion? Total miraculous cure. I swear to you. I think that the apple cider vinegar and honey tea-which-tastes-like-somebody's-sweaty-butt-which-is-infected-with-an-unfortunate-fungal-disease (does that even happen, I wonder?), combined with my beloved ginger tea might give one the ability to re-grow a missing limb, it's that good.
3. Hm...this video still isn't finished uploading. I find this to be worrisome.
4. I kind of (by "kind of" I mean "really really really") don't want to teach clarinet lessons tomorrow. I would really much rather have a lazy day of drinking coffee and watching bad daytime television. Does that make me a bad person? Nah. Bad clarinet teacher? Maybe. I would, however, like to partake in the portion of the lesson in which the student hands me a check made out to me for a substantial (har) amount of moneyz. That part is enjoyable.
5. I hosted two fellow clarinetists over the weekend so that we could rehearse some trio music in preparation for a recital in a few weeks. As a result, our disgustingly-overpriced and non-storage-space-having apartment has never been cleaner. The challenging part was figuring out which side of the Papasan chair cushion to display on top: the side on which BB shat some "tootsie rolls" months ago, or the side on which BB threw up some strawberry milkshake that she had gotten into after Schmoobles left it unattended on a tv tray a few weeks ago? I went with the turd side since it was less fresh and was almost completely invisible as I had attacked it with as many cleaning products as I possibly could when it happened.
6. This video. is. driving. me. bonkers.
7. I am thiiis close to giving up.
8. I seriously don't understand this video's problem. The other video uploaded in like two minutes. Why must you be so difficult, video of BB and Bela playing/battling/chasing/bitch-slapping each other around the living room?? Answer me!!
9. Ugh. I give up. Stupid video. Or stupid Blogger. One of those two. Actually, I choose stupid Blogger since the video itself is of my two precious animal children and can never be at fault.
10.V premiered tonight. It was pretty good. Hopefully one of those shows that picks up steam with each subsequent episode. This does seem to confirm that Juliet is a goner on LOST, though. Well, then, how in the hell is Sawyer supposed to find true everlasting love and live happily shirtless ever after? Certainly not with Kate (insert eyeroll), for Chrissake. Sawyer + Juliet 4EVA! Ugh. I'm going to bed.
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