
Ah, last night... good times, good times.

Okay, so I know that I said it before, but I really must begin eating healthy -- starting tomorrow. I swear.

Last night I hung out at Jim's house in Karns with Elizabeth and April (Ben, as I suspected all along, decided to wuss out on me. Grr...). We had fun chatting over some ice-cold refreshments. And, of course, we blew up some fireworks in his backyard. I believe the highlights of that aspect of our evening were when 1) his insanely fearless dog Oscar (formerly Dante, formerly Tick-dog) decided to jump into some fireworks as it was shooting five-foot high flames. Luckily, he was not hurt; and 2) when April lit some fireworks, which then toppled over (or something? I don't really know what happened exactly) right before it set off and we were attacked by a billion dazzling balls of fire moving at lightning-fast speed. I believe I screamed like a little girl (which is okay since I am a girl and am, indeed, little). Luckily, none of us caught on fire. Ha ha.

Anyway, a little after 2 in the morning we decided to go to IHOP. Elizabeth, unfortunately, couldn't come because she had to work later that morning. (Ugh, people with jobs... How I long to be one of you!! Ha ha) Now, the problem with late-night IHOP runs is that they seem like such a good idea in the beginning, but by the end of it, I usually ends up feeling miserable, bloated and wanting a shower. Which is exactly what happened. But it was good while it lasted...

In any case, after my glorious hot shower, I watched a little Food Network (which is never a good idea after stuffing yourself full of delicious greasy breakfast foods...) vowing to begin the second phase of my personal healthy-eating movement, and went to bed sometime between 4 and 5 this morning, fully expecting to sleep way in. And then I inexplicably woke up at 10 in the morning, wide awake. Gah! Oh well. Better to not waste the day away, I suppose.

Well, I guess it's time for me to go eat something healthy for lunch. Or a giant bowl of macaroni and cheese. Whatevs. ...Tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Completely unrelated to your blog post... are you going to be visiting California this summer?
