
Tokyo bound!!!

Countdown to Tokyo: 10 hours...

Ok, so this will essentially be my last post before we leave for Tokyo. WOOO! The unfortunate part is that I have been feeling nauseous all day. If any of you have any free time tonight, feel free to make a virgin sacrifice to the anti-vomit gods for me that I feel better before we take off -- or those 18 hours on the plane will be the most miserable 18 hours of my entire life (and probably the worst 18 hours of my seat mates' lives as well...).

Anyhoo, I'm too distracted (and near-vomitous) to type anymore. My apologies! If I'm feeling super-devoted to this blog, I may chance to post a few words whilst in Tokyo ... but seeing as how that will take away precious moments from the upcoming sake- and sushi-fest (and clarinerd time......), that will be a long shot. Also, I have to remember to buy some friends some promised souvenirs in between said fests:

Sarah L. : postcard (this may be purchased and composed in Tokyo, but sent in Knoxville...)
Elizabeth: Japanese candy
Jeremiah: anime (at this point I would call J a nerd, but I do not feel entitled to this time since I am going to a clarinet convention...)
April: Japanese unmentionable (hahaha)

In any case, wish us luck on our performance on Thursday morning and, should I attempt a hike of Mt. Fuji in the upcoming week, pray that my lungs do not suddenly cease function, causing me to get left behind and eaten by stealthy Japanese mountain goats.


  1. Yay clarinerd time! Have a fun, safe, and vomit-free trip! :)

  2. Have fun Ysabel! Jeremiah's not a nerd... I <3 him ;) I wish you luck in not vomiting all over ben, or heather...
