The best part of the morning was when the postman came to the door while I was still in bed (I won't even tell you how late in the day it was...I'm too embarassed) and all I could think to do was throw a giant button-up shirt about me and throw my glasses on before I answered the door. I think the sight of me in my unkempt, crazy-haired glory may have freaked out the poor postman. Here is my fantastically accurate artistic rendering:
So that was that. Oh, and for some added kicks, check this out: . This was my first foray into website building when I was taking my infamous Comp 25 class as an undergrad...5 years ago!!! Ah, where has the time gone? Hahaha. I can't believe the website is still up. I think it will be quite plain to see just how much of a dweeb I was even then (for the full effect, make sure your speakers are on when the page is uploading...).
PS. It occurs to me that I am a horrible horrible aunt because -- in my laziness and lack of desire and motivation to post yesterday -- I neglected to wish my fabulous neice an online Happy 4th Birthday yesterday!!! She is the coolest little girl ever -- perhaps rivaled only by me when I was her age (haha) -- even when she is eating lipgloss and waking me up at God-awful hours of the morning (i.e. before 10am) when I am at home visiting. Happy Birthday Kat!! Get ready for some power-shopping when I see you next month!
now you are responsible for building our ventus website!!!!!!!!!!