
Phew... that was a fun day of cartwheeling about the place. Haha. Anyway, so I am just way relieved that I finally got my passport since we leave for Tokyo in just over a week and I was freaking out that it may not come in time. Things were not helped when I called the passport agency (for the 10 thousandth time) a few days ago and the bitter and wholly unhelpful biz-natch on the other line could not tell me anything except that my application was still "in processing" in New Orleans and that she "could not guarantee that it was going to arrive" by the time I was originally told it would. So in desperation, I asked the woman to go ahead and charge the extra amount to my credit card necessary (*sigh* a bit less sushi and sake for me, I guess...hahaha) to expedite the process -- and when that was done, I asked her if this meant that I would receive the passport in time, to which she replied, "Well, there's no guarantees about anything, ma'am." Ugh! The nerve! Anyway, bygones bygones now that I have my precious passport. Whee!

The best part of the morning was when the postman came to the door while I was still in bed (I won't even tell you how late in the day it was...I'm too embarassed) and all I could think to do was throw a giant button-up shirt about me and throw my glasses on before I answered the door. I think the sight of me in my unkempt, crazy-haired glory may have freaked out the poor postman. Here is my fantastically accurate artistic rendering:

And no, I am not exaggerating about the hair.
How unfortunate for me (and the postman?). And as I am analyzing
my self-portrait, it comes to my attention that it looks like I am
giving a rather suggestive come-hither-esque gaze. Trust me when
I say that this was not the case. I was bleary-eyed from being awakened, that's all.

So that was that. Oh, and for some added kicks, check this out: http://www1.pacific.edu/~y-sarte/ . This was my first foray into website building when I was taking my infamous Comp 25 class as an undergrad...5 years ago!!! Ah, where has the time gone? Hahaha. I can't believe the website is still up. I think it will be quite plain to see just how much of a dweeb I was even then (for the full effect, make sure your speakers are on when the page is uploading...).

PS. It occurs to me that I am a horrible horrible aunt because -- in my laziness and lack of desire and motivation to post yesterday -- I neglected to wish my fabulous neice an online Happy 4th Birthday yesterday!!! She is the coolest little girl ever -- perhaps rivaled only by me when I was her age (haha) -- even when she is eating lipgloss and waking me up at God-awful hours of the morning (i.e. before 10am) when I am at home visiting. Happy Birthday Kat!! Get ready for some power-shopping when I see you next month!

1 comment:

  1. now you are responsible for building our ventus website!!!!!!!!!!

