
Back in the U.S.S.R.!!*

...And by U.S.S.R., I, of course, mean California.

To be precise, I am sitting here waiting by the baggage claim at SFO and will continue to do so for the next hour and a half because, once again, my cursed nemesis, American Airlines, has managed to screw me over by misplacing my checked luggage for the second time in a row, hence making me miss the airport shuttle that was supposed to take me back to Santa Rosa. *sigh* It's times like these you just can't help but march over in a blood red rage to the airline baggage counter and say to the attendant: "Damnit, if you weren't Filipino like me I would so yell at you right now!" Damn me and my instantaneous feelings of empathy for my people.

Interestingly enough, the problem this time around was not that the bag got lost or left behind in Chicago, but that it arrived here early. This would have been heavenly IF the baggage crew had realized the need for the luggage to be on the appropriate carousel, instead of sitting behind the baggage counter. Ugh. Definitely not the nightmare that was my fiasco this summer, but still annoying all the same. Especially since, if the bag had been on the carousel like it was supposed to, I would have been able to catch the 8:00 bus instead of wait around at the airport writing in my blog and watching all the weirdos that walk by.

Also: I bought a McDonald's side salad at Chicago O'Hare earlier and never got around to eating it (I ended up purchasing one of those damned $3 "snack boxes" on the flight...bah.) and I for some reason still have it with me. And by "for some reason," I mean, for the same reason that I will put an opened, half-full can of diet Coke in the fridge and then drink it days later, thereby grossing my boyfriend out completely: I think I may be a closeted food hoarder; And, also, I find a strange thrill in tempting fate by ingesting all sorts of possibly-dangerous food items and awaiting the outcome. Anyway, I mention this only because I am now contemplating eating it before the next bus comes. A salad can't go bad in 6 hours, can it? Hmmm, only one way to find out...

* This is a Beatles reference, for those of you poor, un-knowing, non-hipsters.


  1. You should buy a cheapo broken clarinet and carry it around on plane trips to run interference for the actual important luggage. That way, when they lose or destroy your "clarinet," you pretend that you are upset, the airline smiles and nods (knowing that they have complicated you travels unneccessarily according to their work contract), you leave knowing you haven't lost anything of value, and they think they've done their job.

    Seriously though, isn't ChiTown great? I would go there in an instant if I didn't hate people as much as I do.

  2. I've never been to Chicago. I've always wanted to go there and meet Ferris Bueller. *pouts*

    Heh. Shame on anyone who wouldn't get the Beatles reference. The first CDs I "appropriated" (read: stole) from my parents were the White Album and Sgt. Pepper. Good stuff, man.
