
Oh, the horror...

My precious laptop has been infected with a virus!!! Or spyware!!! Whatever, I don't care!!! AAAAUUGGHH!!! My computer genius brothers need to come home and fix him STAT!!!

I feel like my blackened heart has been ripped out from my chest.

...In other news: the annual madness of wrapping up presents at the last minute has commenced and I have run out of white ribbon. Hopefully my mom remembers to pick some up while she is out so I can finish this up before heading down to Sacramento.

ps. Augh! I just thought about my poor computer again and the evil virus that is destroying its precious insides! GET IT OUT!! GET IT OUT!! Waaaaaaaahh....

pps. Dear Santa,

In addition to the suitcase(s) filled with cold, hard cash that I anticipate receiving on Christmas Day (hahaha .....wait, who can laugh at a time like this??!!), I would also like a new laptop seeing as how some hellborn evil-doer has succeeded in possibly destroying my current baby. Please use your magical powers to make this happen in a timely manner. I would greatly appreciate it.



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