
Xylophone?! WTF??!!

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Happy Christmas Eve! The madness of Christmas shopping is done (except for one... and that, thankfully, can wait until after tomorrow) and I am free to do nothing but sleep. Which I did in massive quantities yesterday. Like, I literally was not awake for more than probably two hours at any given time throughout the day before I collapsed in a random nap-attack.

It probably didn't help that my sister woke me up at 6:30 in the morning yesterday to do our final shopping run. This wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't met up with my old UOP friends Erin and Benwar the night before and had ooooodles of sangria and merriment (and then some more sangria...) in downtown Sac. That was a good time. The highlights of the evening were:

1) when E and I used our feminine wiles to get out of having to pay at a parking garage which we had driven into by accident. Don't ask.

2) recounting how funny and immature (read: idiotic) we were in undergrad.

3) when it took E about 10 tries to get a successful picture of me and Benwar for various (read: intoxicated) reasons.


In other news: there is now a naked 4-year old running around in this room and that's my cue to leave:

Kat: I'm naaaaked!!!

Me: Why?

Kat: Because I want to!!

There's just no arguing with that, folks.


  1. Ew! It said I was a flute! That just ain't right.

  2. awww...Ys and I are complicated Xylo friends! Maybe we should date...hahahaha
