
Would you like some more cheese with that whine?

If there's one thing I've learned from my job, it's that there are two types of people in this world:

1. The type who will find something to complain about, almost to the point of doing it just for the sake of being able to complain about something.

2. The type that have the mind and heart to realize that life is life and -- who cares if one performance out of an entire year of Pops symphony concerts was staged in a new venue this past weekend and you weren't seated as close to the stage as you normally are for other Pops concerts because many of the concert sponsors and board members occupied the front row so this, in turn, made you feel less important as a human being because other people got to sit in front of you and this clearly indicates that God, as well as the rest of humanity, not only loves them more than you, but also puts more value into their personal worth, and, Lord help you, the air conditioning was too damned strong for your liking and, here it comes, the 4 giant video screens that were set up, so that people such as yourselves who had to, oh crime of humanity, sit further back in the hall could view the stage, were TOO GRAINY -- take it as it comes, you realize the need to embrace change every once in a while and find a way to sit your ass down and be glad in the fact that you have the opportunity to enjoy 2 hours of your life having a live symphony orchestra and three Broadway stars perform for you as you enjoy some f*ing wine and g*damned cheese.


One month to Sanity

May 20th.

The first day after the last concert of the symphony season and the beginning of my re-discovery of life as a stress-free and well-rested young lady. A far cry from my current state of being surrounded by a symphony staff ready to freak out and go mental at any given moment because we are in the first of four straight weeks with five concert sets.

So for the next 30 days, expect me to be over-worked, over-stressed and over-caffeinated. But be ready to go out and have several adult beverages with me in precisely one month's time because I will definitely be ready and willing. It will also be the week of meine Geburtstag (Check your German dictionary, you un-educated heathens...)!! Food fight at Agave Azul anyone?

Peace out.


Death by construction worker

There's nothing to make my workday complete quite as much as walking through downtown Knoxville while running an office errand and being randomly screamed at by your usual run-of-the-mill crazy person (who, evidenced by the hard hat he was wearing, might have been a slightly deranged and oppressed construction worker, but you never know...) for no apparent reason. Something about me turning my nose up at him or some such nonsense. And it lasted a good long 15-20 seconds, no less! Quite impressive, I'd have to say. It took all I had inside me to not turn around and give him the finger, but my better judgement convinced me that it would be very unglamorous, indeed, to have one's death be by a non-showered crazy person wearing a hard hat. Unacceptable.

* Note to any assorted crazies or mentals who might decide to accost me on the sidewalk in the future:

If I do not look you adoringly as I pass you on the sidewalk and inquire as to how your day is going, it is not because I do not value you as a person. Nor do I think you are somehow inferior to me in any way (unless you are a certain head of one previously mentioned local PR firm). I am merely concentrating on not getting one of my fabulous stilleto heels stuck in one of many precarious sidewalk grates that impede my path as I make my planned detour into Star*ucks to get a deliciously refreshing iced coffee.


Only fellow UOP grads will appreciate this...

Long Lost College Days:

University of the Pacific, Conservatory of Music

When you first attended, where did you live?
Grace Covell Hall, 1st floor. Same wing occupied by the entire Phi Delta fraternity. Where you would alternately wake up to a live chicken in the bathroom or every single sink filled with vomit. Worst. Nightmare. Ever.

Who was/were your roommate?
One of my best friends in high school, Julia (Jooooooolia).

Do you still talk to them?
Just last night! For 2 hours. Otherwise, we like to play year-long games of phonetag.

Ever get in trouble in the dorms?
No. I was too busy changing my major for the trillionth time.

Something you remember when you lived on campus?
My neighbor in Southwest Hall sophomore year who spent so much time working his arms at the gym that he looked like he was constantly on the verge of exploding out of his muscle shirts. We called him Splode.

Your campus phone number or other number?
I can't even remember my old cell phone number from 6 months ago.

First party attended?
Oh my God. It had to have been at the Den of Sin. Not that I went to those parties very often.

Favorite Pizza Place?
The disgusting greasy goodness of the personal pizzas at the Scummit. Mmmm....

Favorite place to go out to eat?
Sho Mi, Ghetto Jack in the Box (or any other fast food joint) with Dev and Sarah at 2 in the morning, Pacific Marketplace (until I started working there and got in a shouting match with my boss in the kitchen in front of some Conservatory faculty...)

Did you go to the library?
I think my being a double major in Music History pretty much guaranteed that I lived in the Music Library during my entire senior year as I finished up that damned final paper -- But, oooh, what a masterful work of art that paper was at the end...

What was your Favorite Floor you'd always be on?
506 W. Stadium Drive, 2nd floor, baby!!!

Club, Athletics, Frat or Sororities, you joined?
Ummm...none, none, none and none. Wait, does Midnight Capture the Flag and Enemy/Protector count as athletics?

Who made the best wings?
Eh, KFC?

Ever attend a sporting event?
I was in Pep Band for roughly 10 seconds. I should have gone to more basketball games and water polo matches... What was I thinking?

Ever attend a concert or comedic performance?
Um, yes. Concerts. Plenty. And I worked stage crew when David Sedaris came and did a reading. I peed my pants. Repeatedly.

Did you move off campus, when and where?
Junior Year. Off campus being just across the street from the Conservatory where you could roll out of bed at 7:58am and still be on time for Nemeth's 8am Music History class. Good times.

Who were your first off-campus roommates?
No roommates after sophomore year! Woot. Although Dev, Sarah, Erin and I pretty much lived in each other's apartments.

Do you still talk to them?
Yes, yes, yes and yes. I keep real friends.

Favorite night to go out on and where did you go?
There's not so much "going out" to do in Stockton. Somebody was always having some kind of to-do at their apartment, however.

Where did you get coffee?
Star*ucks. My passion runs deep.

Favorite Year of Halloween?
Did I ever dress up on Halloween at UOP? I don't remember...

Go see a play or been in one?
Again, I don't remember...

Did you ever have a job at school?
Blockbuster Video for 4.2 seconds. Then Pacific Marketplace (uuuugggghhh...). Then Pier1 Imports (free candles!!). Oh, and Stage Crew for a couple years.

What did you hate about your college?
Two words: Hammer. Waldvogel.

What did you love most about it?
The people. Mainly the ones I still talk to. And the fabulousness of our apartments during the last two years. And the Graduation Party.

Ever leave to go on a road trip, where?
A couple of us went to Jason's cabin in Angel's Camp once. Dev almost killed us when she made us snowboard down a gigantic mountain.

Where would you believe is the best location to live in/ at your campus?
W. Stadium apartments. For sure.

Graduated or still attending?

Year of graduation?

Will you go back?
Probably, for a reunion. Not for any other reason, though. Been there, done that.

How many parking tickets have you gotten there?
Not NEARLY as much as I've gotten at UT. There's not much driving to be done when you live 10 feet away from your school. Damn, I miss that.

Finally, ever gotten arrested?



Scott's graduate wind conducting recital is tonight. Be there or be saddened by the fact that you missed out on an opportunity to hear Yours Truly play the devil stick in the Dvorak Serenade for Winds (mmmmmm...) as well as the Persichetti Serenade for Winds (hhblearghh...).

Oh, and of course you should go see my Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love look hottt in his fancy new tuxedo while kicking arrrrrse on the podium.

Hurray Scott!! One more step closer to Seattle, baby!!


Because I have one more hour in the office and I've run out of things to do....

**50 Random Questions Stolen from Sarah L.**

1. What's your middle name?:
Mateus. My mom's maiden name.

2. Is your cell phone a flip phone?:
Hells yes. I refuse to have anything but a flip-phone. I'm elitist that way.

3. Have you ever been to New Jersey?:
Did we drive through there on our way to New York City on the UT Wind Ensemble Carnegie Hall trip? Otherwise, NO.

4. What's your favorite soda?:
Diet Coke.

5. Do you have satellite?:
Um, we have digital cable with DVR, thank you very much.

6. Where do you want to go to college?:

7. What's the longest road trip you've been on?:
Knoxville to Chicago. Or Knoxville to Columbia, MO (aka. The Fiery Pits of Hell). Oh wait, there was also Santa Rosa, CA to Vancouver, B.C. (aka. The OPPOSITE of The Fiery Pits of Hell) -- but I didn't drive that time.

8. Do you go to a private school?:
Used to! For my undergrad....

9. What's your favorite Xanga smiley?:
Blogger kicks Xanga's ass.

10. Do your parents buy lottery tickets in hopes of winning?:
Yes. I should start buying lottery tickets as well, in hopes of not living as a penniless decrepit musician for the rest of my life.

11. What year were you born?:

12. Do you like the smell of Sharpies?:
Gross, no.

13. What's your screensaver look like?:
A collection of my favorite photographs.

14. Do you have an iPod?:
Sort of? I got Scott one for Christmas. I guess I can use it if I wanted to.

15. What's your biggest pet peeve?:
Ignorance. And people who talk when it's unnecessary and/or non-entertaining.

16. What shoe size do you wear?:

17. What's your favorite kind of cereal?:
Cap'n Crunch! Or Frosted Flakes.

18. Do you ever listen to classical music?:

19. What kind of instruments do you play?:
The licorice stick. And a bit of the ivories and gee-tar.

20. Do you like Girl Scout cookies?:
Yes. All kinds.

21. Have you ever ridden in a limo?:
Not that I can remember... I guess that's what I get for being completely anti-prom in high school.

22. Do you like Hummers?:
Hummers are to vehicles as Satan is to...Satan.

23. Do you know any foreign languages?:
Ein bisschen.

24. Are you scared of horses?:
Only the kind that hide under your bed with machetes.

25. Do you like milk chocolate or dark chocolate?:

26. Do you wear glasses?:
When I'm not wearing my contact lenses.

27. Does it annoy you when people misspell things?:
Not annoy so much as become overwhelmed by a feeling of superiority.

28. Do you like the beach or the mountains better?:
Beach. Beach beach beach beach beach.

29. Have you ever taken cough medicine when you didn't have a cough?:
I think just once when I couldn't sleep.

30. Have you ever been to band camp?:
No ma'am!!

31. Do you know any guys with a receding hair line?:

32. Do you know what Chacos are?:
Is that a form of Choco-taco that I've never heard of? Mmmm....Choco-tacos.

33. Do you own a Nalgene?:
What the hell is a Nalgene?

34. Have you ever watched Room Raiders on MTV?:
Unfortunately, yes. Will never make that mistake again.

35. What's the best Christmas present you've ever got?:
I'm not really too much into comparing presents. The wierdest was a set of Nad's No-Heat Hair Remover from my older brother. I have no idea why he got me that. Hmm, Carlo?

36. What's your favorite popsicle flavor?:
Creamsicle. Mmm....orange and vanilla. One of the few times I actually enjoy "fruit" flavored food objects that aren't actually fruit.

37. Do your parents give you an allowance?:
Not since I grew past adolescence. It was the beginning of my thoughtless spending habits! The Symphony gives me my allowance now.

38. Did you ever watch Rugrats when you were little?:

39. How many blogrings have you joined?:
Blogger is too good for blogrings.

40. What do you think of standardized tests?:
I do well at them because I am brilliant and know everything. However, I don't believe they are a true test or gauge of a person's intellect.

41. What's the craziest dare you've ever done?:
I'm not a crazy dare kind of person. At least not in childhood. Before I was of-age to drink alcohol.

42. Have you ever cheated on a test?:
Nope. Too much Catholic guilt. Plus, as I explained before, I am a genius and know everything.

43. Is tomorrow your birthday?:
No. Next month!

44. Have you ever choked on your own spit?:
Oh my God, that's disgusting.

45. Do you like roller coasters?:
Yes! Except the old rickety kinds at county fairs that give you whiplash.

46. When was the last time you went rollerblading?:
A couple years ago.

47. Have you ever wished you had a twin?:
Never. The world only needs one Ysabel.

48. Do you have a caffeine addiction?:

49. Do you get claustrophobic easily?
On planes, sometimes. And shopping malls. I appreciate a good three-foot bubble in public places.

50. Would you ever kiss on the first date?:


Party in the Emporium Hizzouse!!

The office is so empty today! Bossman is out. Bossman #2 is out. Development is out. Annual Funds is out. Education and Outreach is out. The Librarians are out. Sales Manager is out. Production is out. Finance is getting ready to leave early.

I feel an extended (i.e. 5 hour long) lunch break coming on.....


Curse this 9 to 5 existence!!

...But not really because my job rocks. And so does the paycheck.

I'm only cursing it because an old buddy old pal of mine who I haven't seen in over a year is going to be driving through town today and I am going to be able to hang out with her later this evening!! Which means that there will probably be celebratory adult beverages involved. Which means that there is a good chance that I will be in a sub-standard state tomorrow morning when I (hopefully) show up for work. I'm already dreading the headache I'm going to be having in 16 hours... But it'll be worth it, I'm sure!


ps. This is what's playing on the radio right now as I sit at work updating my blog: "She works hard for the money! So hard for it, honey..." Hahaha. How ironic.


Lunch anyone? Or Target? Anything?

This is one of those days. When you get everything done that you need to get done before noon and the rest of the day is spent taking repeated trips to the office kitchen for more and more cups of green tea. Actually, green & white fusion tea, to be exact. It's not as good as I thought it would be. Perhaps in a little while I will go on an "extended lunch" break and buy some green tea. And maybe some chamomile. Mmm...chamomile. But that might put me to sleep. Oh, and toothpaste. I need to go buy some toothpaste. Candles too. Yeah, candles so our apartment can continue to smell good... Maybe some razor blades. You can never have too many fresh, sharp razor blades in stock. Gillette Mach3. Best. Razor. Ever.


How am I doing in my quest to curb my Wasting All My Money Going Out To Eat and Making Star*ucks Runs addiction? Hmm..let's do a little check-in:

  • Saturday, April 1: Lunch w/ Scott = $15.00 (Stir-Fry Cafe. Oh my God. So good.)
  • Sunday, April 2: Starbucks = $7.92 (I heart soy white mochas. So much it hurts.)
  • Monday, April 3: Lunch w/ Ben = $8.00
  • Monday, April 3: Dinner w/ Scott = $19.12

Ok, so yesterday was sort of a step back. But, to be fair, Scott wasn't feeling well so I went and got dinner for the both of us on the way home from work. Mandarin House. Mmmmm... They love me there. And I love them.

So, let's see. If my goal is to spend only $100 a month on going out to eat, then, hmmm... 26 days left in the month and I've already gone through 50% of my monthly budget... I'm screwed! Maybe I can limit myself to $200 this month and then make a more gradual cut-back. Yes, perhaps that is more realistic. ...Or $250?? Waaaaaahh!!!! Now I know how heroin addicts feel!!


Also: How the hell do they know these things??!!

You Are Likely a Third Born

At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable.
At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things.
When you love someone, you tend to like to please them.

In friendship, you are loyal to one person.
Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer.
You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration.